I am NOT a morning person, but I so desperately want to be one. Why? Because there are so many things I can get done, if I would rise earlier.
1. I could exercise in the morning rather than at night.
2. I could spend even longer with Jesus, of which you know I would do all day if I could.
3. I could get the house picked up before we all left.
4. I could visit with my hubby more.
5. I could get ready without being rushed.
6. I could have a healthier breakfast for my family
7. I could get a few loads of laundry done.
8. I could get dinner ready to be cooked when we got home.
9. I could spend more time in prayer.
10. I could spend more time meditating on my Bible Verse with no distractions.
My husband is not a morning person either, but he rises early anyway and I admire him so much. He is so strong mentally and well let's be honest, that man does NOT have one ounce of laziness in him. Sigh. And he probably still hears his dad's voice saying, "GET UP! GET UP GET UP GET UP!"
(You have to say the second part fast, with a real deep voice and LOUD) does not thrill me, loves, nor does it thrill my boys when G does it. But it got G out of bed growing up. For me growing up, I heard my mama and daddy's sweet voices, "Get up baby, you need to get ready." Along with some kisses. It's the difference between all girls and all boys.
Jesus wake me up with authority, excitement, and sweetness. You know I function best that way:) (Squirrel, sorry)
So, here is what I have decided to do. I have began to focus on the attributes of the Proverbs 31 woman, along with some other women in the Bible. I am examining and learning how they managed their time, so I can manage my time better, and stop being so lazy!!
Jesus has given me life, and in return I need to be living this life the best I can for Him and for my family.
I also want to make use of the 24 hours He has set in a day and if I am sleeping, I am missing out on what He wants to do in and through me.
The first place I need to begin, is by listing out the top 5 priorities. These priorities are all 100% God centered. He has to come first before anything else can be done. So with that here are my top 5.
1. Spend time in prayer. For me this is our morning conversation. It's where He speaks, I listen. I speak and He listens. It's a conversation. Before I can begin to study His Word and absorb all He wants to teach me, I have to visit with Him and get cleansed and purified. I never want there to be any hindrances between Him and I.
2. Sit at His Feet and Learn-This is when I remain silent and listen as He teaches me. Right now He is teaching me the Book of Proverbs and about some extraordinary women.
3. Meditate-This is where I put application to what He just taught me. I do this by focusing on the particular passage I am storing for the week. I speak it over and over, then He and I visit about how I can apply it and ways He will allow me to use it.
4. Prayer-prayer for my family, the lost, my Sunday School Class, those who have requested prayer, and so forth.
5. Worship-this is the time I start wrapping things up and begin to worship the Lord through thanksgiving and praise. This is ALL about Him. I write them out, I speak them, I (attempt) to sing them, and I just allow my heart to be fully devoted to Him.
So those are my top 5! After that is where the prioritizing begins.
What things need to be done in this day. Starting with the morning.
Keep in mind, my husband and I are so super busy with running 3 clinics, so a majority of my day is occupied with helping him do that.
So I always try to plan between that. My days run in segments time wise.
If I will rise earlier around 5:00 am. Then I will have from 5:00-6:30 with Jesus, and I need every ounce of that time. After that I can be 100 % devoted to my boys and G and making sure they have what they need to start their day off great!
I will be honest, I have REALLY struggled in this because like I said, I AM NOT A MORNING PERSON! Just the though of my alarm going off early makes me tired. :)
But, Jesus and my family are more important than my laziness and selfishness.
My husband and I are currently going through the Daniel Plan, which is a must read if you never have. In the book Rick Warren made a few comments that have imprinted themselves within me that have really convicted me and left me desiring to make the best with the gifts and time God has given me, because in Heaven, I want to be found favorable and even more useful than I was here on earth.
He says, "
God is testing you on earth to see what He can trust you with in eternity. He is watching how you use your time, your money, your talents, your opportunities, your mind, and yes, even your body."
I don't know about you, but I want to be trusted with much when I am in heaven. In order to do that, I need to make good use with all I have here on earth. I have failed at this, and probably will fail again and again, but my heart is devoted and dedicated. I will keep going in His strength.
Please understand, it's not an earn your way agreement. It's a relationship. It's understanding your unworthiness and His holiness. It's knowing what He has done for you and what He has given you, that makes you pleasing in His sight. That gift is Jesus Christ and it's all about a personal relationship with Him. It's desiring to do all these things because of your love for Him.
Jesus I can do nothing in my own strength or willpower. I am quite aware of this. I have tried far to many times. So today, I relinquish all control. I am Yours. Every ounce of me. I need the power of the Holy Spirit within me. I need help getting out of bed in the morning. My mind is weak, yet so controlling and filled with self. Help me Jesus fill it with Your Word, Your promises, Your thoughts, that I will be able to overcome the lures to stay in bed, the lures to tend to my flesh. I know it will be hard, but I know it's possible. All things are possible through You. Amen