“For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16
When you receive a gift do you just let it sit there for days before you open it? I mean really, it kills us to see presents under our tree and know we still have two more weeks or days before we can open them. Well what do we do with the gift God has given us? Do we leave Him just sitting there for days, months, years or do we rush to open Him up?
God gave us the gift of Christ and inside Christ is love and joy. So why do we let Him sit, why do we push Him to the side? Why do we wait for special occasions, death, tragedy, or sickness to open Him up?
God freely gave us this gift with complete expectations for us to receive it and open it immediately. Once we open up Christ in our hearts we then need to let Him out for the world to see. We need to embrace and cling to the gift of love and joy and not hold back from Him or others because we are afraid of being hurt, rejected, or disappointed. Those three things are inevitable they will happen, but with the gift of Christ’s love we can claim victory over them.
Just as we anticipate the worldly gifts we are given, as we frantically open them to see what is inside, full of excitement and wonder. We should be even more anxious and excited to open up Jesus every day and see what is inside of Him.
Maybe you have something coming up that you are looking forward to, or maybe you are going through a drought and feel like you have nothing exciting to look forward to. Can I encourage you to look forward to opening up Jesus’ love for you? Each day you wake up, be excited to open up Jesus and His Word and see what He has in store for you! There is one thing I know for sure about My Jesus, He never disappoints. He always goes above and beyond what we can imagine, He gives us daily gifts, and He is worth opening up!
God thank You for giving us the best gift-Jesus, Your Son! Jesus it is a wonderful pleasure to open You up every day and see what is inside awaiting me. I look forward with complete anticipation and excitement of my future in You. Amen