“I have tried my best to find you-don’t let me wander from your commands.” Psalm 119:10
Since Spring Break I have gotten a little behind on my mommy duties. So doing my best to catch up, I start load after load of laundry, dump it on my bed as it comes out of the dryer and off to the boy’s room to sort through clothes and start packing up their room.
Being that we have had little activity on showing our house I assumed this week would be slow as well. So I put that thought behind me and started doing what I enjoy doing a lot-organizing, packing, and cleaning. All while chasing Dax around!
Now when I tell you I put the thought of my house showing this week behind me I meant it. I have had my house tore up and such a mess for the last several days that I can honestly say in my 31 years of living I have never lived in such a mess.
I do want to remind you in the midst of all these little tasks I had going, Avery came down with Strep throat and has the Flu again, except this is the Flu “A”. Apparently two weeks ago he had the Flu “B”-and I so went there and asked the doctor if there was a Flu C and a Flu D, because if there was he was going to get it! She did not find me to be very funny, but I laughed!
Anyway, it is Wednesday night-I literally have at least ten loads of laundry piled on my King size bed that has been stripped so I could wash the sheets and comforter as well. The boy’s room is in such disarray you could barely see the floor (no exaggeration) and there are boxes, trash bags, and more trash bags lined up from the closet clear out the door into the hall. I like to get rid of not so needed things!
Then to top it off the boys wanted soup for dinner so there are noodles all over the table, the floor and them. Plus the Lucky Charms Dax had literally scattered from one end of the house to the next. And I didn’t care because I was focused on getting there room exactly how I wanted it!
Avery at this point feels HORRIBLE and is ready for a bath and bed-so I paused from my packing, cleaning and organizing to run them through the shower and get them ready for bed. Oblivious to the time, I glanced at the clock and realized it was almost 8:00 and I had not eaten a thing. So I quickly got them out, dressed and somewhat settled, fixed myself a bowl of cereal and sat down when…
My doorbell rang!
I put my cereal down get up thinking it is one of my girlfriends coming to check on us, so I open the door and there stands this couple apologizing for coming by so late, but were wondering if they could look at the house!
When you least expect it!!!!!
I was in SHOCK thinking oh my goodness how in the world can I let these people in my house looking the way it does. Because I am pretty crazy about my house always being clean and presentable I almost told them no. So I stood there in silence wrestling in my mind what I should do, this could be a God thing, when I finally come to reality that they are still standing there the young lady says, “If you don’t want us to we totally understand.” My reply, “If you don’t mind clothes, boxes, trash bags, noodles, and cereal everywhere, please come on in.” And that they did.
Oh, wait I am not to the best part yet. For those of you who know Dax know he is VERY active and has a mind of his own. Well out of nowhere this sweet young lady who is standing in the kitchen looking around is almost knocked over by Dax. Dax for some CRAZY reason decides he is going to take off at a dead sprint from the living room and run and push her!
OH YES HE DID! It was not enough that I was already embarrassed by the mess of my house, but for him to do that! Oh, what can I say but…dear Lord help me!
When you least expect it brethren it happens. God has an amazing sense of humor and His timing is just that-HIS timing!
You would think the lesson I would learn was to stay on top of the house and laundry and all times, plus teach my two year old manners, but it was not that at all.
Instead the lesson I learned was to be ready at ALL times for Jesus. Because when we least expect it, when we are the least prepared, Jesus will come.
So we need to make that word “best” in our verse truly be our best in finding Him, and our plea to NOT wander from His commands needs to become our daily plea. Because if we think we will have time to live and do what we want first and then come back to His commands later, we are wrong. In the blink of an eye, He will be here.
When we think we will have forewarning of His coming, we are wrong. In the blink of an eye, He will be here.
“Two men will be working together in the field; one will be taken, the other left. Two women will be grinding flour at the mill; one will be taken, the other left. So be prepared, because you don’t know what day your Lord is coming. Know this: A homeowner who knew exactly when a burglar was coming would stay alert and not permit the house to be broken into. You also must be ready all the time. For the Son of Man will come when least expected.” Matthew 24:40-44
I am glad to report the couple loves the house and came back to look at it again, and it was nice and clean this go around, which made even better! They are hoping to make an offer Monday!
Jesus Your arrival is inevitable! Hasten the day Lord Jesus. May our best become more than our best, may it become our purpose and passion to search and find You DAILY. Jesus our plea from here on out is that you keep us from wandering away, because we want to be ready at all times, for that least expected moment when You return. Amen