Monday, November 28, 2011

Head or Heart Knowledge?

"What this means is that those who become Christians become new persons. They are no the same anymore, for the old life is gone. A new life has begun!" 2 Corinthians 5:17

Have you ever questioned whether or not you were truly saved? Many of us, if asked, "If you were to die today, do you know without a doubt you would go to heaven?" would answer with a confident yes.

Does that yes come from a changed heart that knows, or does that yes come from our head alone?

It is very easy for us to say that we are saved and a Christian, but it is another thing for us to live it.

In 2 Corinthians 5:14-16 Paul says, "Whatever we do, it is because Christ's love controls us. Since we believe that Christ died for everyone, we also believe that we have all died to the old life we used to live. He died for everyone so that those who receive his new life will no longer live to please themselves. Instead, they will live to please Christ, who died and was raised for them. So we have stopped evaluating others by what the world thinks about them. Once I mistakenly thought of Christ that way, as though he were merely a human being. How differently I think about him now!" 

My questions for you today are;

How do you know when your knowledge and faith has moved the 18 inches from your head to your heart?

How do you know that you are not living your faith in your mind but are living it in your heart?

Do you know for sure in your mind you are saved but in your heart question your salvation?

I believe the difference between head knowledge and heart knowledge is a life that has been radically changed for Christ. It no longer engages in the things of this world. It does not continue living as it once did, nor does it partake in the same sins. Rather it has died to it's selfish desires and now lives to please Christ, with it's heart and not just its mind.

"Those who become Christians become NEW PERSONS. They are NOT the same anymore, for the old life is gone. A new life has begun!" 2 Corinthians 5:17

Have you become a new person? Is your old life gone and your new life begun?

Are you living to please Christ?

Do others see the radical change that has been made in you, or do they still see your old life?

Jesus show us what You see when You look into our hearts. May we not claim to be a saved Christian yet still live our old life that pleases the flesh and blends in with the world. But may we be radically transformed living the new life that is no longer the same. Amen