”We all make many mistakes, but those who control their tongues can also control themselves in every other way.” James 3:2
It never fails no matter how heated our conversations can become, my husband has never raised his voice at me. Now, as for me, I have to admit I do raise mine. No matter how angry he gets he never lets spite come from his mouth. No matter how bad I think a situation is he is always finding the positive. No matter how bad the storm, he is always their providing protection and peace.
Number 25-Self Control!
I have been blessed with not only an earthly husband whom exemplifies self-control, but, I have a heavenly Father that defines it!
I can tell you that this is one thing I crave more than anything! Especially when I see the peace my husband has, it makes me long for it even more. I can say the more devoted I become to the Lord, the more I fill my thoughts with His word, the better I do. But it is work!
In 2 Peter 1:5-6 Peter shows us how to obtain better self-control. “A life of moral excellence leads to knowing God better. Knowing God leads to self-control. Self-control leads to patient endurance.”
It is a daily commitment that requires lots of practice, humility and patience! It is taking a step back and trusting in Jesus to calm the storm within you. James puts it best when he says if you can control your tongue, you can also control yourself in every other way.
So today we begin with our tongue, when you find yourself in a heated situation, bite it, literally! The pull from the Word of God stored within you and start saying it over and over until your thoughts conform to His Word.
Jesus take control of what I say O’ Lord, keep my lips sealed. Let no unwholesome thought come out in my speech. Help me to remember the example of self-control you set for me when you stood before Your accusers. Amen