Featured writer today-Ashleigh Duncan-
Psalm 26
This psalm really hit me...should we be considered innocent? Do we hang around liars and hypocrites? How many times have we watched someone do something as simple as throw a piece of trash on the ground or cheat on a test or important document and not tell anyone? We just let them do it. That makes us just as guilty. How many of us have just made estimates on things like tax reports or whatever else and we think there's nothing wrong with it? How many of us have participated in or listened to dirty jokes and maybe laughed along with them? And here's a biggie: How many of us have made excuses for not doing something or being late instead of just telling the truth? "I just plain forgot." "I was lazy this morning and hit my snooze 3 times instead of getting up." "I took my time driving here because I really didn't want to be here." "Honestly, you irritate me a little and I didn't want to work on my patience today so I avoided you." We feel so much better when we open up to our close friends and family, to that one person or group of friends that you know you can tell anything to and they won't look at you any differently, so why don't we just be honest? Why do we care what those people think of us? If God changed Pharaoh's heart in Moses' time, why can't He change people's hearts now? If you tell people something honestly and with love, God will take care of the rest. If they're not meant to be your friend then, sadly, we lose some friends along the way but it's much better to be surrounded by those who truly care and who love God like you do rather than be around people who are telling you things against your beliefs, don't you think? I hope you all have a wonderful day!! Love you!!
In Christ,
Bridget Ashleigh
Today I am thankful for the time I got before class today to just relax a bit. It's been nice :)