"If we are living now by the Holy Spirit, let us follow the Holy Spirit's leading in every part of our lives." Galatians 5:24
Giving up control is hard. Some of us even refuse to. But in order for Christ to take complete control, we have to be willing to let go and let God.
Many of our worries, fears, and frustrations are a result of us trying to control situations. Ladies, if we really want our husbands to lead us, we have to first be willing to be led by Christ. We have to be willing to relinquish that need to control.
If we truly want to be men and women of faith, we have to trust Christ enough to let go. We have to be willing to lay our selfishness down. Isn't that really why we want to be in control in the first place?
What are you holding onto right now, that you know Christ is asking you to let go and give Him control of?
Is it an addiction?
Is it your life?
Is it a job?
Is it your money?
Is it your Church?
Is it a child?
Is it a spouse?
Is it a family member?
Is it comfort?
Is it an affair?
Is it a re-occuring sin that you try to stop, but every time you lay it down, you pick it up on your way out?
What is keeping you from giving yourself fully and completely to Christ?
Maybe you struggle with doubt, doubt in Christ. Maybe your faith is weak. Maybe you even find studying His Word to be hard because it requires you to surrender. It requires you to let the Holy Spirit lead, and that is hard for you. Whatever it is, take it to Christ in prayer and let Him help you let go.
It's a process, but a freeing process, and once you have been set free, once you have let go, you will see voids filled, His promises revealed, His love and mercy freely flowing, and your worries and fears diminishing. All because you let God lead.
Jesus this is a huge struggle for so many of us today. It was even a struggle for many that we read about in Your Word. We see it with the Jews, we saw it with David, We saw it with Solomon and so many more. But we have also seen the joy and blessings that come when we do relinquish control and put our complete trust and faith in You. Forgive us for believing we are able to control situations on our own. We ask today, that You come in and begin to remove our fingers from whatever they are holding on to, so that we can walk in the freedom of Your love, protection and grace. Amen