Thursday, June 9, 2011

The Good Person Test

Written by Ryan Burchett-

(Cue the Andy Griffith Show theme music in the background)

*Meet Mr. Nice Guy. If good people go to Heaven, he will be the first in line.*

Mr. Nice Guy: "Well, I try to do what's right. You know, do nice things for others, and keep out of trouble, that sort of thing."

*Well Mr. Nice Guy, may I test your 'goodness?'*

Mr. Nice Guy: "Sure thing!"

*Have you kept the 10 Commandments?*

Mr. Nice Guy: "Pretty much, yeah."

*Really? Do you mind if we look at them?"

Mr. Nice Guy: "Um...alright."

*Have you ever told a lie?"

Mr. Nice Guy: "Yeah, who hasn't?"

*What do you call someone who tells lies?*

Mr. Nice Guy: "A liar."

*Have you ever stolen anything?*

Mr. Nice Guy: "Nope."

*But you just told me you're a liar."

Mr. Nice Guy: "....."

Mr. Nice Guy: "Well, I did steal some candy once as a kid."

*What do you call someone who steals things?*

Mr. Nice Guy: "A thief."

*Jesus said, 'Whoever looks upon a woman to lust after her has committed adultery with her in his heart. Have you ever done that?*

Mr. Nice Guy: "Of course man! Every day!”

*Have you ever used God's Name as a curse word?*

Mr. Nice Guy: "Yeah, only a few times."

*That's called blasphemy. 'The Lord will not hold anyone guiltless who misuses His Name.'*

*So, after taking the test, by your own admission, you're a liar, a thief, a blasphemer, and an adulterer at heart, and that's just 4 of the 10 Commandments."

Mr. Nice Guy: "Ok, so I'm not perfect! Neither are you or anyone else!"

*Actually, it's worse than that...*

*Sin isn't just doing things we shouldn't. It's also not doing the things we should. 'Anyone who knows the good he ought to do and doesn't do it, sins."

Mr. Nice Guy: "Ok...."

*There's more.....suppose we could put a device in your brain that would record all your private thoughts for a week......and then play them on a movie screen for your friends and family to see.*

Mr. Nice Guy: "That would be embarrassing!"

*'God knows the secrets of the heart. Psalm 44:21'*

Mr. Nice Guy: "Well, compared to people like Osama bin Laden, Hitler, and Saddam Hussein, I'm a saint!"

*True, but the standard is God's Law, not other people.*

*Besides, even if you sin just 5 times a day, in one year, that's 1,825 sins! If you live to be 70, you'll have broken God's Law over 127,000 times!*

*You'll have to answer for every sin on Judgment Day, when 'each of us will give an account of himself to God.' Rom.14:12*

Mr. Nice Guy: "But won't God just forgive me?"

*Try that in court: 'Judge, I know I raped that 1 woman, but I'm really sorry! And since that time, I've helped 10 extra people!'

*Only a corrupt judge would allow you to go free.*

Judge: "Justice demands that you pay for your crimes!"

*God is a holy and righteous Judge. He hates our sin! Jesus warned that God, in His wrath, will cast all who sin against Him into eternal fire 'where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.' Matt.13:42*

Mr. Nice Guy: "Then how can anyone get to heaven?"

*There's only one way......if a sinless person offered to take your punishment, then justice would be served and you could go free!*

*God loves you so much, He sent His son Jesus to suffer and die for your sins.....then He rose from the grave - defeating death!"

*You can't earn eternal life. It's God's gift to all who humble themselves and come to Jesus. 'Turn to God in repentance and have faith in the Lord Jesus.' Acts 20:21 He will forgive your sins and give you a new heart with new desires! 'If anyone is in Christ, He is a new creation!' 2 Cor.5:17*

*Then, read the Bible and obey it. Find a good church to help you grow, and tell others the good news you've just heard!*