The law condemns us and reveals our sinfulness. Let me say that one more time more for my sake than anything else. The law condemns us and reveals our sinfulness.
When you look at the life of the Pharisees they were law followers to the max, especially one in specific, Paul. Maybe that is why I relate to Paul so much, because I often find myself being a hard core law follower, even perfectionist.
In doing so, I have carried around a large gun loaded with condemnation as my ammo. I have pointed this gun at myself and at others. It is really a crazy analogy I know but if you think about it, condemnation can be very wounding. Believe me I know from experience, I have pointed it at myself and felt the impact, plus I have pointed it at others pulled the trigger and watched as the condemnation hit and pierced their hearts.
All because I have strived to follow the law and do it perfectly, when I should be walking in faith and love and doing so because my amazing Savior has drenched me with grace and love to do so.
Oh, the amazing realization’s God brings us to. I always love it when God switches out my ammo and loads it with humbleness, insight, and love. More than anything, I love that when Christ’s ammo hits me, it is less painful, more helpful, encouraging, and it brings healing and hope instead of death, disappointment, failure, sadness, and pain.
Prayer: Lord switch out my ammo of condemnation and replace it with the ammo of Your love, faith, and grace. Amen