"I am here to prepare the way for him-that is all…and I am filled with joy at his success. He must become greater and greater and I must become less and less.” John 3:27, 29-30
Toy Story is one of my two year olds favorite movies and it has been playing in our car for a solid month now. It is the story about Woody a toy cowboy who has been the favorite toy in the heart of his owner Andy. Every year on Andy’s birthday all the toys get together to listen through a baby monitor to see what new toy will join their family (so to speak). As they sit and listen to the army men call out each present they are each portrayed to be excited but also a little worried that they might be replaced. On this particular birthday it turns out to be Woody’s worst nightmare. The newest coolest toy with lots of gadgets arrives and does the very thing Woody hoped would never happen and that is take his place. This newest toy is known as Buzz light year a space ranger. He can fly, makes lots of sounds by the push of a button, he has a laser, and comes with his own spaceship.
Throughout this movie you see Buzz becoming the most popular with the other toys and their owner. He even gets Andy’s name written on His foot, just like Woody did. (Except Woody’s is wearing off) So much jealousy even anger sets in the heart of Woody, he talks bad to him and about him, and at one point when Andy has to decide which one to take to the restaurant, Woody goes out of his way to try and get rid of him, to the extent of pushing him out the window. Woody wanted to be greater and he wanted Buzz to be less and less. As a result of Woody’s actions the toys become angry and turned their backs on him calling him a murderer. So it leaves Woody with only one option, to swallow his pride, admit his wrong doing and jealousy and go save Buzz, and that is what he did.
It reminds me of a story in John 3 about John the Baptist’s disciples. They were in the middle of baptizing Christians when they got wind that Jesus and His disciples were also baptizing over in Judea. Distraught by this news they approached John and said this man you say is the Messiah is baptizing people and everyone is going over there instead of coming here. Even the people are leaving here to go over there to be baptized. Jealousy set in the hearts of these men because the attention and focus was taken off of them and put on Christ.
And this is how John responded, “God in heaven appoints each person’s work. You yourselves know how plainly I told you that I am not the Messiah. I am here to prepare the way for him-that is all…and I am filled with joy at his success. He must become greater and greater and I must become less and less.” John 3:27, 29-30
Wow, two words to describe John the Baptist-humble and selfless. Do I display that same type of attitude for Christ? Do you? John knew his purpose and his job and he knew his position, a servant for Christ. Jealousy is a result of being too focused on ourselves! Do you find yourself being jealous of the success or life of others? Stop and take into account that each person has been appointed their work by the Lord and whether they are doing it for Him or themselves is not of our concern. Jesus is our concern and we should focus on becoming less and less so He can become greater and greater. We also need to be filled with joy for our brothers and sisters success.
Jesus today we take our eyes off of ourselves and others and we lift them up to You right where they belong! May we focus on the job You have appointed each of us, and celebrate with joy for our brothers and sisters success in serving You. Amen