Friday, May 27, 2011

Lie #2 – “The Bible can’t be the Word of God.  Men wrote it.”

This is a classic Evolutionist/Atheist argument against the Bible (it actually began back in the 1800s - it’s a tired act indeed).  “You can’t expect me to believe a book that was written by man!  It’s full of errors!  Even if some higher power did in fact inspire these guys, they still wrote the words down themselves and man makes errors.”  Of course, when you ask people to give you proof of these ‘errors’, they can’t quite come up with any….but they know they’re in there!

​“’Come now, and let us reason together,’” Says the Lord” Isaiah 1:18.  The Bible is all about intelligence and reason and God promises to provide those who ask with knowledge abundantly.  It makes perfect sense yet it seems so foolish to this world.

​Let’s look at a few other religions out there that come under little to no scrutiny and hardly ever have their validity or origin questioned:

Buddhism – Founded by 1 man – Siddhartha Gautama; has 3 schools of thought that each disagree on key parts of the original doctrine; formed by Gautama because he couldn’t accept the fact that a good and holy God would allow suffering and judgment (very close to Atheism)

Mormonism – Founded by 1 man – Joseph Smith; Mormons accept 4 books as scripture as well as the Bible, but the Bible is full of errors unless translated properly; Smith had a personal visitation from God in 1820 in which he was instructed to start the Mormon Church as the one true church

Islam – Founded by 1 man – Mohammad; has both extremists and modern-day pacifists looking to edit the holy texts; Mohammad was alone, received a revelation an angel as well as through grand-mal seizures, tried to pitch his revelation to both Jews and Christians who rejected his claims, he became very angry and bitter and found a group of people who would follow him, claims death to all Jews, Christians, and unbelievers

​Let’s soak all of this in real quick.  These particular religions are hardly ever questioned or scrutinized, yet we see debate and unrest within each over their respective ancient writings.  Also, the strongest evidence against each in my eyes would be the fact that they were each founded by 1 man with no witnesses.

 Think about that…..

​The Bible wasn’t written or founded by 1 man.  It was provided to and written by 40 different men, from 3 different continents, over a 1,300 year period, and it agrees throughout.  Also something to note, Jesus is mentioned in many non-biblical historical documents by well-noted ancient scholars, philosophers, and historians.  What more proof is needed, my atheist friend?

​“All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness”  2 Timothy 3:16

​“No prophecy ever came by the impulse of man, but men moved by the Holy Spirit spoke from God.”  2 Peter 1:21