Thursday, September 26, 2013

Cleaning Out the Excess In Our Bodies-Part 1

I truly believe with all my heart, that if our thoughts and hearts are aligned with the Word of God, and our focus is on pleasing Him, then our bodies will be a reflection of that. I know that is a strong statement, and one that can cause a lot of controversy. But if we lack self-control and discipline in our relationship with Christ, we will more than likely lack it in our thoughts, hearts, homes, bodies, and finances. 

We are imperfect people. This will always be a battle we face until Christ takes us home. Now, don't misunderstand me. I understand some people battle health issues that attribute to things with their bodies. I am one of them. I struggle with tummy issues and have for the last 16 years. Thus, the comment my hubby and I had recently about our bodies. He said, "I don't mean this in a bad way babe, but if you didn't have so many stomach problems you would probably be a heavier person." I laughed and said, "Why do you say that?" He responded, "Because you love food so much." And I do, but my stomach doesn't. 

I laughed and said, "Though it’s a thorn in my flesh, it is also a blessing, because I have had to learn how to have self-control and be more disciplined in what I eat and drink."  

Now, I fail quiet often at this, and I pay for it, which in return leaves my hubby, and my parents saying, "You know better. You know that is going to upset your stomach, should you be eating that. Or we are not going to feel sorry for you when you are up sick." All to my lack of control at times and response, "Probably, but I really want it." 

Brethren, its hard when everyone else around you is eating the things you love and you know your body can't handle it. When the temptation is in your face it makes it really hard, doesn't it?

This happens on both sides of me, with my family and my husband's family. 

So, how do we honor God in these situations? How do we clean out the excess junk in our bodies, cabinets, fridges, and on the go, all while displaying self-control and discipline that honors God?

Let’s look at one of many today.

1.    Prayer. It is the greatest tool there is when it comes to taking care of our bodies. When we stay in constant communication with the Lord, asking Him for help, we can believe that He will do just that.
Though there are many amazing passages about prayer, three of my favorite and go to are…
1.    Philippians 4:6-7Don’t worry about anything instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. If you do this, you will experience God’s peace, which is far more wonderful than the human mind can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.”
a.   The more I focus on Him and what He does for me, the less I focus on the problem or the temptation of eating something I know I shouldn’t.

2.    Romans 8:26-27“And the Holy Spirit helps us in our distress. For we don’t even know what we should pray for, nor how we should pray. But the Holy Spirit prays for us with groaning that cannot be expressed in words. And the Father who knows all hearts knows what the Spirit is saying, for the Spirit pleads for us believers in harmony with God’s own will.”
a.   There is something so comforting in knowing that God gets us, even when we don’t get ourselves. When we struggle to find the words, the Holy Spirit intercedes on our behalf and speaks the words our mortal minds can’t. Rather than turning immediately to another person, doctor, nutritionist, info commercial, or diet fad, turn to God in prayer first and let Him give you the guidance, help, and understanding you need. Then allow Him to place the right people in your life that will help you and encourage you. For me it’s my hubs, mom and dad. They are GREAT at keeping me in check. Partially because they are tired of being up all night with me, or taking me the ER.
b.   Sometimes our very own can enable us, lead us astray, only fix something temporarily, but it’s God that sticks with you to the end.

3.     This is a two-part. I LOVE this entire passage, but for reading sake I will pull out the main two and encourage you to read the entire passage on your own.
a.     Matthew 6:25-27; 31-33-“So I tell you, don’t worry about everyday life-whether you have enough food, drink, and clothes. Doesn’t life consist of more than food and clothing? Look at the birds. They don’t need to plant or harvest or put food in barns because your heavenly Father feeds them. And you are far more valuable to him than they are.”
b.     Vs 31-33-“So don’t worry about having enough food or drink or clothing. Why be like the pagans who are so deeply concerned about these things? Your heavenly Father already knows all your needs, and he will give you all you need from day to day if you life for him and make the Kingdom of God your primary concern.”

My struggle is not with over indulging myself with food. Nor is it not eating enough food. My struggle is eating the right things that agree with my stomach. For a long time I would be worry and get scared to eat because of my fear of getting an upset stomach and vomiting. But when I combined these two passages with the other ones, it gave me a new outlook on my situation. I no longer have to fear food, or worry about throwing up, all though I still do at times. Especially when I am lying in the ER for the umpteenth time because I am so sick. Instead I can turn to the Lord, pray for wisdom and guidance and trust that He will help me make wiser choices and be able to discern what I need to eliminate in my diet.

I can’t tell you how many times in the last 16 years that I have cried out to the Lord asking for His presence to be with me, to help me, and to relieve me of this. And though I am 16 years into this and I have yet to be healed of it, I have learned a lot, am still learning a lot, and trusting in Him a lot more. Instead of getting angry, I praise Him because it could be SO much worse.

I have to stay in constant communication with Him. I have to rely heavily upon Him. I have to make the choice to either, listen and act on His Word, or to give in and pay the consequences.

Whether you are an over-eater, under-eater, or junk food eater, God gives you the choice daily to choose wisely. If we are not careful food can become our idol. It can become an addiction that destroys us. For me, if I am not wise, my GERD can turn into cancer. My stomach can become an ulcer fest, and the acid can destroy the lining in my stomach and esophagus. All of which, I do not want to happen. But if I choose to eat poorly because my flesh desires the goodness of unhealthy and acidic foods, this will be the consequence and outcome.

If you choose to over-eat your body and heart will pay for it. It will be harder physically and mentally. And can even take the place where God should be.

If you are an under-eater, your body and heart can pay for it. Your body needs food. It is what fuels you. Food has a God-given purpose. And we will discuss both of these later on in this series.

If you struggle with food and you feel defeated, let God’s Word remind you that there is hope. Turn to Him in prayer. Spend time visiting with the Lord. This is something that you will have to do daily, maybe even every second. But if you turn to Him first and choose to push through those temptations He will make you stronger.

Ask the Lord every time you go to put something in your mouth. Is this a healthy and wise decision? Will this give me the right source of nutrients, energy, and strength I need to serve you and be used by you, or will this reek havoc on my body, soul and mind?

This is the first of many when it comes to taking care of our bodies. As we wade through this part I will share with you what has worked for me. And hopefully we can clean out some excess junk in our pantries, cabinets and fridges.

Again, I want to stress that this is what the Lord has helped me with, and He might have something very different for you.

Be wise today, sweet one. Bless the Lord by making wise decisions.