“For I have come down from heaven to do the will of God who sent me, not to do what I want.” John 6:38
Is your purpose self-motivated or Christ motivated?
Do you search the world to find purpose and meaning for your life or do you search the word of God to find His purpose and meaning for your life?
Do you notice when you try to fulfill your own purpose it never goes quite like you expected. Even the road getting there is difficult and once achieved it results in short satisfaction.
How about the times you seek to fulfill God’s purpose-how is the outcome, yes it’s true the road might still have some bumps, but do you notice you get over them a lot easier than you did the ones you tried to get over on your own? That’s because God’s purpose comes with a helper!
And what about the results, once Christ has achieved His purpose through you, have you noticed the joy and satisfaction lingers and lasts?
I really believe that Christ when upon that cross, having known that He had and was about to complete the purpose of His Father felt a satisfaction that is unexplainable. Our Savior lived and breathed the purpose of God, and we too should live and breathe the purpose of God.
Prayer: Lord You set the perfect example of what it looks like to fulfill God’s purpose. Thank You. Amen