Monday, June 30, 2014

Walk In It

You are loved by the Creator of heaven and earth, life and death. Walk in the confidence of His love today. 

Friday, June 27, 2014

Two Better Halves

“Who am I, O Sovereign Lord, and what is my family, that you have brought me this far? And now, Sovereign Lord, in addition to everything else, you speak of giving your servant a lasting dynasty! Do you deal with everyone this way, O SovereignLord?

What more can I say to you? You know what your servant is really like, Sovereign Lord. Because of your promise and according to your will, you have done all these great things and have made them known to your servant.

 “How great you are, O Sovereign Lord! There is no one like you. We have never even heard of another God like you!" 2 Samuel 7:18-22

It's this amazing relationship that constantly makes you aware of your need for your better half. 

I happen to have two better halves. Jesus and my earthly better half, G.

Learning to seperate the two and depend more on the one who matters most can be difficult. 

But the closer I grow to Christ, the more I realize how crucial my relationship is with Him. He is the only one out of the two that can love unconditionally, that sees more of me than I do myself. He is the one I will spend the rest of my life with. 

My relationship with Christ is far greater and more important than the one I have with G. 

As The Lord and I were spending time together He was telling me that I have been putting more into G than Him. That needs to change. 

My relationship with Christ should be the first and most important relationship in my life and my relationship with G is the added benefit and blessing from Christ.

The more I love and serve Christ the more I will express that love in my relationship with G.

I am always learning, but this lesson might be one of my favorite. 

I love when Jesus shows me in very visual ways the joy and benefit of our relationship and how, through our relationship, my other relationships will thrive, strengthen and grow. 

My prayer and desire is for my relationship with Christ to be so strong, that it is seen through my earthly relationships, especially in my marriage.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Let Your Worth Be Found In Jesus

"So God created people in his own image; God patterned them after himself; male and female he created them."…Then God looked over all he had made, and he saw that it was excellent in every way." Genesis 1:27;31

As He began creating you, He had your purpose in mind. He focused on every detail and found joy in them all.

His love for you is immeasurable, undesirable, and often incomprehensible.

When He formed you, He placed His image within you. Thus, making you of great value and worth.

You have been marked by the Most Holy God!

His desire for you began before a single day of your life had passed.

His gift of life, came in the form of His Son, Jesus who gave up His own life for you.

You will never receive a greater gift.

God didn't stop there, to ensure you knew just how loved, valued and of worth you are, He left us His Word and the Holy Spirit.

His Word reveals His promises. The Holy Spirit in us confirms those promises.

His Word sets boundaries of protection. The Holy Spirit ensures we stay within those boundaries.

His Word reveals His love. The Holy Spirit confirms that love.

His Word gives us hope, comfort and guidance. The Holy Spirit reminds us of His promises to always be with us.

Everything God did, He did with you in mind.

Don't let the world or others tell you anything different. If you need reassurance, study His Word. Let His Word remind you who you are. You are a child of God, formed in His image, created for His purpose, of great value and worth, loved beyond measure, and desired by the Most Holy God who sent His Son to die for you.

Study Psalm 139 and let God lavish His love upon you as He reminds you who He is.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Because He Chose To Be Different

You chose to be different. You chose Jesus. You chose to walk according to the Word even when others and the world said differently. You have led men young and old. Through your love and actions you have taught many of them who Jesus is. You are one of the most respected men because of your love for Christ. You chose to raise your babies in the Word of God and teach them the importance of being men of courage, love, and men of integrity who are passionate about Jesus. There are many men, many dads, but you my love are a rare one. You are amazing. Your love for Jesus is contagious. Your love for us is astounding, breath-taking and marvelous. Thank you for choosing Jesus. Thank you for teaching our boys the most important things, to love Christ first, your family second, and others third.

Monday, June 16, 2014


Ladies, is your relationship with Christ at a point,  if you were completely alone you would still know who you are in Him?

Is your relationship solid enough, you can stand in confidence because of it?

Sunday, June 15, 2014

My Description of Christ in Flesh

If I were to describe Jesus in flesh, I would describe you. You are a man of integrity, honesty, love, devotion, faithfulness and compassion. 

You have shown me why serving Jesus is the greatest and best joy of my life.

You have taught me how to be a woman who loves and respects my husband. Your love for us can't be explained. 

You have shown and taught us the importance of serving others and how that is one of the greatest ways to reflect and point others to Christ.

Your love for mama is indescribable. 

There is not a person on earth that does not love and respect you. 

You have been the most loving, comforting and merciful daddy. 

My words will NEVER be able to express how amazing you are and how much I love you. 

Thank you, daddy for showing me Jesus. Thank you, daddy for always encouraging me to grow in my walk. Thank you, daddy for never giving up on me. Thank you for teaching me the importance of a personal relationship with Christ. 

You are the perfect picture of my Heavenly Father in flesh and I am ever so grateful to be your baby! 

I will always be your baby who is passionately in love with you. 

Thank you for the countless hours you have spent in prayer for me over the last 34 years. 

You are extremely loved and adored. Every day I get with you here is an absolute treasure and gift. I am better because of your daily love.

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Choose the High Road

"Those who are short-tempered do foolish things, and schemers are hated." Proverbs 14:17

Do you attack others because they aren't doing what you want or saying what you want them to say, OR have they truly done something that has offended you?

This is a question that requires real honesty before The Lord, all of which not many will admit.

More times than not we turn our selfishness and frustrations onto others to try and ease the convictions of our own downfalls. 

Before you react to someones short temper and harsh remarks, take a moment and evaluate the situation. Then ask them, "Are you frustrated because I am not responding or doing what you want or have I truly offended you in some way."

If it's because of their own selfishness, don't respond any further. If you have truly offended them, let the Holy Spirit confirm it, and then apologize immediately. 

This will produce a peacemaker within you rather than one who stirs up more dissension by fighting back. 

Remember, Jesus chose the higher road and so should we. Be the bigger person and hold your tongue and create peace. 

Friday, June 13, 2014

A New Day is A New Oppurtunity

This morning I had the choice to either  sleep in or get up and meet with Jesus. I chose Jesus.

Today I will have many choices. 

Some of these choices I am given every single day. 

I am given the choice to choose...

Jesus or self
Love or hate
Forgiveness or bitterness
Kindness or ugliness
Peace or dissension
Trust or doubt 
Faith or disbelief 
Joy or grumpiness
Encouragement or discouragement
To serve or not to serve (or demand to be served)
Humbleness or pride
Obedience or disobedience
Heaven or Hell
Hope or defeat
Jesus or the World
His promises or Satan's lies
Righteousness or sinfulness
Healthy eating or unhealthy eating
Self control or no control
Listen or not to listen
Respect or disrespect

And the choices go on and on. 

Every SINGLE DAY I am given these choices, and every NEW day God gives me, is another day He is giving me the opportunity to  make the right choice. 

And in order to make the right choice I have to allow the Holy Spirit to be in complete control, without Him, I am unfit to choose what is right. 

Monday, June 9, 2014

I Can't Change Yours But I Can Change Mine

Jesus I can't change the choices others make, but I can change the choices I make. Help me through the power of the Holy Spirit to make wise choices that are aligned with Your Word. For then, my choices will produce godly outcomes. Amen

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Altar Sunday

Today let Jesus be the reason you go to Church. 

Saturday, June 7, 2014

A Few of Our Favorite Things

Our garden 

Jalapeños! G makes the best homemade salsa and to be able to get all the ingredients from your own garden...superb!

Green onions! One of my childhood and adult favorites! 

Our backyard has become our sweet sanctuary. It's absolutely beautiful, this picture does not do it justice.

Chickens=fresh chicken + fresh eggs-we LOVE our chickens. They were camera shy this morning. We have 8 of them. 

Miss thing-Zoey!

Our front porch-simple but oh so cute

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Altar Sunday

Jesus open the flood gates of heaven and let Your loving mercy fall upon us. 

We long for Your presence. Overwhelm us in a way that leaves in awe. 

We come anticipating Your arrival. May we be prepared!