“Anyone who listens to my teaching and obeys me is wise, like a person who builds a house on solid rock.” Matthew 7:24
Do you want to know how to place your faith on the solid foundation?
Accept Christ Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior.
Come to know Him intimately and personally.
Spend time in His word daily.
Listen to His word.
Obey His word.
Fill your life with His word.
Then not only will you be grounded in a firm and solid foundation but you will begin to build on that foundation.
The Lord says very specifically, those who listen AND obey are wise, just like those who build their house on solid rock. And we all know if we are not spending time in the word and in prayer then we are not listening, because God speaks through His word.
Without reading and knowing His word how will you ever know what to obey. And if you are only going off what others say and not what God’s word says then you could very easily be led astray.
Once we hear, listen, and obey God’s word that WE ourselves read, then we must respond to it and apply it. It is our obedience to Christ, who is our foundation, which will protect us from any type of storm that approaches.
Prayer: Lord there is SO, SO much importance in reading Your word, listening to Your word, and being obedient to Your word. Lord help us to not be thoughtless when it comes to securing our faith. Amen