Sunday, January 18, 2015

Exodus 23-Outline

Exodus 23

Study: The Establishment of the Laws

Store: “Always be joyful. Keep on praying. No matter what happens, always be thankful, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.” 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

Apply: God’s Deliverance

Learn: What’s Right and What’s Wrong

·       Exodus 23
o   3 Focus Points
§  1. A Call for Justice-Exodus 23:1-13

§  2. The Annual Festivals-Exodus 23:14-19

§  3. A Promise of the Lord’s Presence-Exodus 23:20-33

1.    A Call for Justice
-Exodus 23:1-13
v  Justice for All!

Ø  Let’s sum up verses 1-13 with one word or one sentence.

§  Verse 1-No Gossip and don’t pervert the truth.

§  Verse 2-

§  Verse 3-

§  Verse 4-

·       Why did verse 3 and 4 seem so foreign to the people?

§  Verse 5-

§  Verse 6-

§  Verse 7-

§  Verse 8-

§  Verse 9-

§  Verse 10-

§  Verse 11-

§  Verse 12-

§  Verse 13-

2. The Annual Festivals
                  -Exodus 23:14-19

v  What 3 Festivals were to be celebrated?

Ø  1.

Ø  2.

Ø  3.

Ø  What was to take place at each Festival?

§  1. Festival of Unleavened Bread-

§  2. Festival of Harvest-

§  3. Festival of the Final Harvest-

Ø  What was God’s requirement in verse 19? How do we fulfill this verse today?

God is a fair and merciful God. He has a heart for the orphaned, widowed, and poor. What rules did He put in place to protect them?

3. A Promise of the Lord’s Presence
                  -Exodus 23:20-33

v  Three Key Points in this section

Ø  1. God’s Presence

§  Who did God send to lead them?

§  Why was it important for the Israelites to listen and obey Him?

Ø  2. God Protection and Guidance
§  In what ways did God say He would protect and guide the Israelites?

Ø  3. God’s Warning
§  What makes sinful living so contagious?

§  Why did God warn them over and over to avoid it?

§  How can we stay away from things and people that encourage sin?

What is your favorite take-away from this Chapter?