S-"Therefore, since we have been made right in God's sight by faith, we have peace with God because of what Jesus Christ our Lord has done for us." Romans 5:1
A-thankfulness for what Christ has done for us
L-Yet We Do Them Anyway
-"They refuse to understand, break their promises, and are heartless and unforgiving. They are fully aware of God's death penalty for those who do these things, yet they go right ahead and do them anyway. And worse yet, they encourage others to do them, too." Romans 1:31-32
~I know this sounds crazy, but if we are honest with God, ourselves, and others, we will admit, in someways this hits our hearts, convicts us, and even describes us.
Often times we refuse to understand that God's ways and timing is best.
We break our promises,rather made to God or others, we break them.
We can be heartless and unforgiving (Do you know anyone right now you need to forgive and haven't? Have you been heartless towards or about someone who has hurt you?)
We even encourage others to do them too.
Let's look at some ways we do this and are either aware of it or not.
Let's look at some ways we do this and are either aware of it or not.
~Lying-this is done so much, it has almost become natural.
~Gossip-oh mercy, has this not become the norm. We all allow it and even do it.
~Complaining-Once one person starts, it comes a flood. Complaining is the biggest killer of joy and thankfulness.
~Greed-Our society reeks of greed. It says the only way to be happy is to have more money in your pocket. How do we encourage others to become greedy, by being materialistic.
~Drinking-For some reason and at some point, someone offered you a drink, and you took it. Then you did the same thing. Whether it was a parent, a brother or sister, friend, cousin, whomever, influence and encouragement (in a negative sense) was there.
~Disrespect- This has become so contagious. It starts in our homes. If our children see us disrespecting our spouse, they will begin to do the same thing. If they see us disrespect someone else, they will too. It will take root within them so quick, that going back to make it right will be even harder than if we just displayed respect in the first place. Brethren, we have to get a hold of this. If we can so easily disrespect each other, how much more can and do we disrespect Christ? If we struggle with disrespect we need to look and evaluate whether we respect or disrespect Christ.
~Gossip-oh mercy, has this not become the norm. We all allow it and even do it.
~Complaining-Once one person starts, it comes a flood. Complaining is the biggest killer of joy and thankfulness.
~Greed-Our society reeks of greed. It says the only way to be happy is to have more money in your pocket. How do we encourage others to become greedy, by being materialistic.
~Drinking-For some reason and at some point, someone offered you a drink, and you took it. Then you did the same thing. Whether it was a parent, a brother or sister, friend, cousin, whomever, influence and encouragement (in a negative sense) was there.
~Disrespect- This has become so contagious. It starts in our homes. If our children see us disrespecting our spouse, they will begin to do the same thing. If they see us disrespect someone else, they will too. It will take root within them so quick, that going back to make it right will be even harder than if we just displayed respect in the first place. Brethren, we have to get a hold of this. If we can so easily disrespect each other, how much more can and do we disrespect Christ? If we struggle with disrespect we need to look and evaluate whether we respect or disrespect Christ.
Again, this is not to be taken negatively. It is to be taken with understanding of God's boundaries set for us. It is to be taken as it is, be aware, check yourself according to the Scriptures, and take accountability for your own actions.
God gave us the very best, we need to give Him the very best. Not because we have to, but because we want to. Because we get to. Because we are so grateful and indebted and addicted to His amazing love.
Jesus, search us and know our hearts. Test us and know our thoughts. Point out anything in us that offends you and lead us along the path of everlasting life. Jesus help us to begin to take responsibility for our own actions. Help us to constantly stay inside the boundaries You have set for us. Thank You for giving them to us, to protect us and keep us safe, and to stay in fellowship with You. Jesus help us to put forth the effort to be consciously aware of every decision we make, every word we speak, every action, and even how we are encouraging others. Forgive us Jesus for hurting You with our refusal to understand, to obey, and to confess our unfaithfulness and sin. Amen
God gave us the very best, we need to give Him the very best. Not because we have to, but because we want to. Because we get to. Because we are so grateful and indebted and addicted to His amazing love.
Jesus, search us and know our hearts. Test us and know our thoughts. Point out anything in us that offends you and lead us along the path of everlasting life. Jesus help us to begin to take responsibility for our own actions. Help us to constantly stay inside the boundaries You have set for us. Thank You for giving them to us, to protect us and keep us safe, and to stay in fellowship with You. Jesus help us to put forth the effort to be consciously aware of every decision we make, every word we speak, every action, and even how we are encouraging others. Forgive us Jesus for hurting You with our refusal to understand, to obey, and to confess our unfaithfulness and sin. Amen