Tuesday, May 3, 2011

I feel…

"Even if we feel guilty, God is greater than our feelings, and knows everything." 1 John 3:20

What was your last reaction to a comment someone made to you, whether good or bad?

Did you pause and allow the Holy Spirit to step in and take charge OR were your feelings SO strong in that moment that you went with them?

Oh, mercy me have I been in both positions. Praise God for being greater than my feelings because He and I both know they can be OUT OF CONTROL.

It is so fitting that a year or two ago I spoke on feelings and not living our lives on them but on what we know-God’s word. Never free from the conflict, brethren, just hopefully becoming wiser in the process.

So let’s throw out a few feelings and see how they fair to the leading of the Holy Spirit. I made a checklist for myself and then asked the Lord to reveal to me the ones that He saw and that displeased Him. So NOT fun, but very, very NEEDED.   

The list below is feelings I deal and have dealt with through out my life. It is not the checklist I made-you can find that list in Galatians 5:19-21. I am putting myself out there brethren!

Let’s just say I have become a little too comfortable acting and reacting off of my feelings a little too much and the Lord has brought it to my attention-thank You Jesus.

I feel...                                                                                  


Not good enough




Selfish ambition



Out bursts of anger

Not good at anything

Of little importance

Not valued

Like a bad mother/wife

Like I am to sinful

To worldly


These are FEELINGS that I live in conflict with, sometimes daily and other times on occasion, but for the most part it is a BATTLE every SINGLE day.

So what happens when those feelings arise within me? Well lately I have given into them. Okay so maybe I have given into them a TON over the last 21 years of my life. However, I have also over the last 21 years of my life let the Holy Spirit control me.

The more I study the works of the Holy Spirit the more I am able to discern the difference between the two. I know when I begin to feel grumpy, or angry, or self-consumed I need to stop and let God’s word remind me that those feelings are not from Him.

I know when those moments happen I better make the CHOICE to listen and push through the urge to sit in those nasty feelings and let the Holy Spirit take charge. I need not to lash out, but be gentle. I need not to focus on the “ME” and focus on others. I need not to feel shame, incompetent, not good enough, angry, bitter, jealous, etc. Instead I need to claim forgiveness and believe I am capable, I am good enough, I am of value, I am blessed, I am who I am and loved for it, because of Christ Jesus.

I need you to know, it is SO very hard to do it, but we are very CAPABLE and we have the choice of which to choose.

We can love the friend who hurt us instead of sit and wailer in our hurt feelings

We can forgive the one who mistreated us instead of sit and roast in the feeling of anger.

We can put others before us instead of sit and let our feelings demand to be first.

We can claim God’s love for us instead of sit in the feeling of shame.

We can CHOOSE self-control instead of letting our feelings make us act OUT OF CONTROL.

Those choices are choices that represent the leading and control of the Holy Spirit. Christ gives us the choice to choose. We can either choose the path of feelings which lead to regret or we can choose the path of the Holy Spirit which leads to wisdom and peace.

Jesus I don’t always make the wisest choice when it comes to my feelings. But I am so thankful that You sent the Holy Spirit to control me, help me, and guide me in making the choice that pleases You and reflects You. Thank You for not leaving me to fight this battle alone. Amen