There is purpose in obtaining Godly Wisdom.
There is purpose in fearing The Lord-it's the beginning of knowledge.
You see the foolish, they refuse to listen to wisdom. They refuse to listen to its advice. They instead listen to the cries of their flesh that says, "Feed me more. Notice me. Give me. Love me. I need."
These things, when done by the fool only lead to more foolishness, more sin, more guilt.
But when done by those who choose to be wise, listen to that of The Lord who says, "I will feed you the very satisfying Word of God. I notice you in a wonderful and beautiful way. I will give you what you need to live, and when those wants are given, rejoice in Me. I will fill you with a love that captivates you, inspires you, drives you, overwhelms you. I am love! Your need, it will become for me, not for the world. And there is no greater need than Me."
Listen to the voice of wisdom! It's the first of many in cleaning out the excess.