“You have charged us to keep your commandments carefully.” Psalm 119:4
Dax has not eaten since his surgery Monday! Yup that is a total of 6 days our little guy will not eat! I don’t know if it is because of the sores he has on his tongue, or if it is because the antibiotics he is taking makes him sick and curbs his appetite, but whatever the reason HE WILL NOT EAT!
Since I have been studying this verse I couldn’t help but to put into a little practice by telling Dax, “Mommy commands you to eat!” that of course did not go over well with him, nor did anyone else find it humorous but me.
He is drinking tons which is great but is not enough to nourish his little body, and he is little! We have tried pedisure (which even I think is nasty), milkshakes, smoothies, yogurt, ice cream, and any and all other horrible and good food under the sun.
As a result of not eating we have had to take him off of his antibiotics in hopes that once it gets out of his system he will regain the desire to eat.
This to me is the most important right now. I love this little thing and it devastates me to see him feel so bad to the point of not wanting to eat.
We are making very “little” strides though and if we have to give him pedisure through a syringe every 5 minutes we will.
The crazy thing about all of this is he is still running around non-stop and no one would ever be able to tell he didn’t feel good. I guess it is because he has been sick for so long now he just knows how to deal with it and thinks it is normal.
Jesus “commands” me not to worry and today I will not worry. God loves my little guy more than I ever could and I am resting in that precious thought today.
Prayer: Jesus thank You that I can rest in the thought of Your control and not worry about Dax because I know and believe You are taking care of him. Give us the wisdom and discernment to know exactly what needs to be done and instill the desire within him to eat. Jesus I give You all the control. Amen