Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Bad Day...Give Thanks

 "Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good! His faithful love endures forever." Psalm 116:1

In the midst of my not so happy day today, I stopped what I was doing and started writing down everything I was thankful for.

It is amazing how quickly the Lord can remind me of how blessed I am and how much He loves me. The more I wrote the better I felt, the more the frustrations went away, and the happier I became.

God is so good!

When we take our thoughts captive and place them on the Lord and what's most important, the more He changes our hearts and lifts our burdens.

Jesus thank You for allowing me to place the negative behind me and focus on You and Your love. May my thankfulness become a habit everyday at all times. Thank You for Your goodness. Amen