Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Remove the cover and let your transparency show.

“Then we will no longer be like children, forever changing our minds about what we believe because someone has told us something different or because someone has cleverly lied to us and made the lie sound like the truth. Instead, we will hold to the truth in love, becoming more and more in every way like Christ, who is the head of his body, the church. Under his direction, the whole body is fitted together perfectly. As each part does its own special work, it helps the other parts grow, so that the whole body is healthy and growing and full of love.” Ephesians 4:14-16

He has never made Himself anonymous. Nor did He wear a cover on the outside to hide who He really was on the inside. He has always known who He is-Jesus Christ.

He is real, honest, open, and upfront. He does not pretend to be our friend, our protector, our healer, our Lord. He is who He says He is, and means what He says. He has no hidden intentions or motives. Everything He represents, shows, and reveals is His true identity.

We on the other hand, well…we make ourselves anonymous, so we can voice our opinion, vent our anger, hide what we are doing if wrong, check-up on others without being seen, and so forth.

We cover ourselves up to hide who we really are. Why, because of the fear of being rejected, made fun of, hurt, left out, and/or having our sins exposed.

I recently had a conversation with a friend of mine about being transparent. When asked how she is doing it is always, “I am good.” When in reality she is a complete mess on the inside. But because she does not want to burden anyone or admit she is in desperate need of prayer, fellowship, and friendship she leads others to believe she is fine. Knowing what I know now, I can always tell when I have the transparent part of her, or if she has put on a cover. Help and growth cannot take effect unless truth is involved.

I think we have all done that a time or two. Remember that day when you were really struggling with some things personally, yet when your colleague, church member, or friend asked you how you were doing, you put on that instant smile reached down for that cheerful voice and said, “I am doing good.” Maybe you are doing good, and maybe that moment was not the moment for you to put your struggles, stress, or issues on them, but what if instead of throwing on that quick cover up you replied with a , “Pray for me?” Now that is transparency and vulnerability! And those who are prayer warriors do not need an explanation of why you need prayer, they will just begin to pray knowing the Lord knows.

As believers, seeking to be Christ-like, we no longer have to make ourselves anonymous or cover up who we are or what we are struggling with or feeling. Better yet we don’t have to be ashamed of our past either because we have been forgiven, redeemed, washed cleaned, and our very Father Himself remembers them no more!  So it is okay to be our transparent selves without fear of what others will see or think.  And we can do so because of Christ in us.

The more we begin to represent Christ, the brighter our projection of Christ will be, and the more we will walk in the confidence of who we are in Him, instead of who we are in the world. 

We should never be afraid to let the work of Christ in us be seen. There are so many people struggling and if they can see how the Lord delivers us, works in us, loves us, and accepts us, it will give them hope and might even open their eyes to the need for Christ in their life. None of that can be done if we are anonymous or covering His work up.

Who we are in the world is night and day different than who we are in Christ.

In the world we are imperfect, sinful, anonymous, covered up, and messed up people, who fall prey to the lies of Satan. But in Christ we are perfect, forgiven, straightened out, revealed, exposed and covered in grace, children of God.

Jesus You know everything there is to know about me, yet at times I try to cover up the true identity of my heart. If there is anyone who accepts the true me, it is You, the very One whom created me. Thank You for teaching me the importance of being transparent and how through my transparency You are seen. May I never be afraid to let the real me be seen, for when the real me is seen, so are the work of Your hands. Amen

Monday, May 30, 2011

It’s not more hours you need…

“When you reach the banks of the Jordan River, take a few steps into the river and stop. So Joshua told the Israelites, ‘Come and listen to what the LORD your God says.’ Today you will know that the living God is among you.” Joshua 3:8-10

She is a mommy, a wife, an employee, whether to an actual boss or her family. She is a friend, a daughter, and a sister. From the time her eyes open to the time they close, she never stops going.

The moments she has to spare, are filled with work, dishes, laundry, cleaning, or catching up on loose ends from the day before. It seems as though there is never enough time in her day, yet she adds more to her load every day.

As the day comes to an end and her head hits the pillow, she wonders how another day has gone by so quickly, and yet again, she has failed to spend time with the One who so desperately longs for her attention.

Her mind replays all her day consisted of and even begins to wonder off to the things that await her tomorrow. The new agenda, the newest needs of her children, husband, and so on. She is even reminded of the task she so easily said yes to.

Before she knows it her mind is racing with all the things she has to do, that she has agreed to do, signed up to do, that she has already been so distracted by the tugging in her heart.

The tugging begins again this time with a little more force than before. She becomes unsettled, frustrated, and even sad over the thought that another day was here and gone and she was so busy with her daily chores that she missed that intimate, personal, and much needed time with the One who desires her.

“Jesus I need more time in my day.” She prays.

It’s not more hours that you need, my sweet princess. It’s rearranging your schedule to make Me priority. I take precedence over your family, your duties, and commitments. Just as you make time to do everything you do, you must also make time to be with Me. I am the most important thing in your day. I need and must be placed above ANY and everything. There is plenty of time in your day, and there are plenty of opportunities for you to be with Me. Give your schedule to Me and I will show you all the places and times that you could spend with Me. I will fuel your tired and weary body with the energy it needs to rise and meet Me. I desire YOU! Your day should be filled with time for Me.

 I will fill your day with accomplishment, but You must give Me your day. I am the LORD. I will have no idol before Me. Don’t let your busyness consume you, for then it becomes your idol. You begin to focus on it, think about it, and do all you can to be successful at it. I am to come first even over the things you value the most; your children, spouse, job, etc.

Let me amaze you by the time I create for you when you come to Me. I have SO much to share with you, to tell you, to lavish upon you. Come to Me, I have and will not move no matter how quickly the time goes. You are my precious creation; I have found favor in YOU. And I love you.

Make time for Me

With love,


Sunday, May 29, 2011

Lie #4 – “Demons aren’t active like they were in the Bible.”

Many people today don’t believe that demons have any power, much less exist anymore.  Beyond this, many believers feel that demons can’t have any effect on them because they have the Holy Spirit. 

These are all false claims.  You can ask any missionary who has been to a third-world country and most of them have seen demonic activity in some form or fashion.  Well what about in America and other developed, modern countries?  Demonic activity is just as prevalent, it just comes about in different forms…..

            First of all, demons are just as real and just as active now, in 2011, as they were back in Biblical times.  Satan prowls around “like a roaring lion” looking to devour believers.  Once Satan finds us in a weak spot he pounces, and then the rest of his demons share in the feast. 

How does this happen?  Sin!

Sin is the key to the door of our lives for Satan and his demons.  Once that key is handed over to Satan, through continuous, habitual sinning and a lack of repentance, then he and his demons make their way into the living room of our lives and they throw a party.

As Dr. Randall notes in his book, there are a 4 primary areas where demons are able to make their way into a believer’s (or any person for that matter) life:

a.      Illicit sexual practices or fantasies that are out of control
b.      Deep-seated anger, bitterness, hatred, rage and rebellion
c.       A sense of rejection, guilt, poor self-esteem, unworthiness, and shame (usually through alcohol or drug abuse)
d.      Strange attraction to the occult and to the spirit world
These are easy ways for Satan and his demons to enter into an individual and to take control.

            How does one overcome this?  How does one overcome Satan and his demonic forces?

One phrase – Repentant faith!

Through the forgiving blood of Jesus, sin can be toppled and Satan can be overcome.  We serve a mighty, holy, all-powerful, living God. 

Remember the words of Jesus, given to John, in Revelation 20:1-3; 7 -  “…..And he laid hold of the dragon, the serpent of old, who is the devil and Satan, and bound him for a thousand years; and he threw him into the abyss, and shut it and sealed it over him, so that he would not deceive the nations any longer, until the thousand years were completed…….And the devil who deceived them was thrown into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are also; and they will be tormented day and night forever and ever.”

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Lie #3 – “God is love. Therefore, I don’t believe there is a literal Hell.”

This is an emerging argument and it’s gaining quite a bit of power in our churches these days.  This is a concept founded by two popular movements today known as New Ageism & Universalism.  New Age has been around for a while now and Universalism is really picking up steam as of late.

            In these movements, ministers with these beliefs teach that the concept of Hell in the Bible is always denoted as meaning “Sheol” which is ‘grave.’  They then use this to say that it is a reference, in some places, to a literal grave (being buried), and then in other cases to the garbage heap that was outside of the city of Jerusalem where citizens’ trash was dumped and then burned.  In both explanations, a literal Hell is not real or feasible.

            This is unfortunate, because there are many people being tricked and mislead with this belief system.  People are willing to accept only ½ of God, that part being love and mercy, but the other ½ of wrath and judgment is far from their thoughts and beliefs.  Without Hell and Judgment, there is no urgency to come to Christ, much less share the gospel with others. 

Without Hell, the price Jesus paid on the cross is drastically cheapened.  Without Hell, we cannot truly understand His grace, mercy, and love.  Without Hell, we cannot know God.

            Hell is a literal, real place.  Think of the account of the rich man and Lazarus.  The rich man was pleading for just a drop of water to cool his tongue from the ongoing torment in the flames.  Apart from this account, we have several other references to a literal Hell; in fact, Jesus speaks more about Hell than He does Heaven.  It’s very real and God doesn’t want any of us to go there.  However, the choice is ours.

 Allow me to leave you with a few references Scripture makes to the fate of the lost:

“Shame and everlasting contempt” – Daniel 12:2

“Everlasting punishment” – Matthew 25:46

“Weeping and gnashing of teeth” – Matthew 24:51

“Fire unquenchable” – Luke 3:17

“Indignation and wrath, tribulation and anguish” – Romans 2:8-9

“Everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord” – 2 Thessalonians 1:9

“Eternal fire…..the blackness of darkness forever” – Jude 7, 13

“He shall be tormented with fire and brimstone….the smoke of their torment ascended up forever and ever: and they have no rest day or night” – Revelation14:10-11

            Hell wasn’t created to scare us to the cross.  It was designed so that we could see the perfect holiness, righteousness, and grace of God.  How?  Because, for God to be a just and holy Judge, punishment must come for every wrong doing.  Any court system knows this.  However, God went a step further – the fine was paid for our crimes before we ever committed them because we would commit them.  If that doesn’t illustrate grace and mercy to its fullest, then I’m not sure anything can.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Lie #2 – “The Bible can’t be the Word of God.  Men wrote it.”

This is a classic Evolutionist/Atheist argument against the Bible (it actually began back in the 1800s - it’s a tired act indeed).  “You can’t expect me to believe a book that was written by man!  It’s full of errors!  Even if some higher power did in fact inspire these guys, they still wrote the words down themselves and man makes errors.”  Of course, when you ask people to give you proof of these ‘errors’, they can’t quite come up with any….but they know they’re in there!

​“’Come now, and let us reason together,’” Says the Lord” Isaiah 1:18.  The Bible is all about intelligence and reason and God promises to provide those who ask with knowledge abundantly.  It makes perfect sense yet it seems so foolish to this world.

​Let’s look at a few other religions out there that come under little to no scrutiny and hardly ever have their validity or origin questioned:

Buddhism – Founded by 1 man – Siddhartha Gautama; has 3 schools of thought that each disagree on key parts of the original doctrine; formed by Gautama because he couldn’t accept the fact that a good and holy God would allow suffering and judgment (very close to Atheism)

Mormonism – Founded by 1 man – Joseph Smith; Mormons accept 4 books as scripture as well as the Bible, but the Bible is full of errors unless translated properly; Smith had a personal visitation from God in 1820 in which he was instructed to start the Mormon Church as the one true church

Islam – Founded by 1 man – Mohammad; has both extremists and modern-day pacifists looking to edit the holy texts; Mohammad was alone, received a revelation an angel as well as through grand-mal seizures, tried to pitch his revelation to both Jews and Christians who rejected his claims, he became very angry and bitter and found a group of people who would follow him, claims death to all Jews, Christians, and unbelievers

​Let’s soak all of this in real quick.  These particular religions are hardly ever questioned or scrutinized, yet we see debate and unrest within each over their respective ancient writings.  Also, the strongest evidence against each in my eyes would be the fact that they were each founded by 1 man with no witnesses.

 Think about that…..

​The Bible wasn’t written or founded by 1 man.  It was provided to and written by 40 different men, from 3 different continents, over a 1,300 year period, and it agrees throughout.  Also something to note, Jesus is mentioned in many non-biblical historical documents by well-noted ancient scholars, philosophers, and historians.  What more proof is needed, my atheist friend?

​“All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness”  2 Timothy 3:16

​“No prophecy ever came by the impulse of man, but men moved by the Holy Spirit spoke from God.”  2 Peter 1:21

Thursday, May 26, 2011

“Lingering Lies of Lucifer”

So what better way to finish up 52 wks 365 days of studying, storing, applying, learning, and sharing God's word than with Ryan Burchett? This series will be GREAT!

-A series of lies in our world about Scripture and God in general-

I’ve begun reading a book given to me by my uncle called Lies that Kill by Dr. Rob Randall.  It basically lists the most popular lies, in detail, that our world and even Christians have slipped into believing.  I’d like to periodically go over a few of these questions for the Godly Gossip blog, which I will entitle Lingering Lies of Lucifer, because I believe knowing the answers to some of these questions are very helpful since we hear most of these on a regular basis. (and as I go through these they are in no particular order)

Lie #1 – “Any god will do, as long as I’m sincere.”

How often do we hear this?  One of the most popular and influential advocates of this belief system is Oprah.  Basically, the worldview today is that you can choose or form a god to your own liking and your own understanding and as long as it works for you and it doesn’t harm or offend others, it’s perfectly ok and it’s still the same god as the God of the Bible.  As a matter of fact, all gods are the same as the God of the Bible, they just have different names.

Can we all get together and have a collective laugh real quick? HAHA!

Ok, back to business.  Do you know how many gods there are in the world?  There are roughly 4,616 different gods actively being worshiped present day.  These range from many different cultures, ethnic groups, etc.  How in the world can each of these be the same god?  Simply put, they cannot and are not!

​“1 But false prophets also arose among the people, just as there will also be false teachers among you, who will secretly introduce destructive heresies, even denying the Master who bought them, bringing swift destruction upon themselves. 2 And many will follow their sensuality, and because of them the way of the truth will be maligned;”  2 Peter 2:1-2

This passage tells us exactly what has been going and what will continue to go on in our world.  Satan is the ‘father of lies’ as Jesus so called him.  We are creatures created with the desire to worship something and we will look to any and everything in order to fulfill that desire.  If we refuse to repent, we will not have that desire met by the only One who can and we find something else to take His place.  This is a lie Satan has been telling mankind since the beginning and he will continue to trick and deceive people into following him until Jesus finally puts him to rest in the End.

​Any other religion out there was either founded by 1 man or a small group of radicals.  Christianity was founded by Christ – the only founder who conquered the grave might I add.  When you ever here this lie, that all gods are the same and all paths lead to the same heaven, don’t be fooled.  Trust in Christ and Christ alone.

“20 Above all, you must understand that no prophecy of Scripture came about by the prophet’s own interpretation. 21 For prophecy never had its origin in the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit.”  2 Peter 1:20-21

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The embrace you will never forget

"See, he brings his reward with him as he comes. He will feed his flock like a shepherd. He will carry the lambs in his arms, holding them close to his heart. He will gently lead the mother sheep with their young." Isaiah 40:10-11

My boys have now been with their Nana and Papaw for 11 days, which is WAY TO LONG and WAY to far away-11 hours. G and I have never left our boys that long and I doubt we will again until they go to college.  Lord willing. It has been hard being without them.

 I will admit the first few days were nice just getting to be with each other, but after those few days of not having those sweet things in my hair, and kissing me, and needing me, was just...well I needed to be needed, and kissed, and loved by those two amazing joys of mine.

So, since I couldn't stand it any longer I booked a flight to Lubbock Tuesday. I got to the airport super excited, until my flight got canceled. I was not a happy sister and G was not a happy camper, since he had just pulled into Jasper and had to turn around to come get me.

I got another flight out at 6:00 this morning which came way to quick. I rushed to catch my flight got seated and off we went.

I love to fly! I have always felt that much closer to Jesus when I fly. The beauty that surrounds you on that plane is breath taking, and it just so happened that I got to be above the clouds and eye level with the Sun as it came up.

As I sat basking in the beauty of the Lord and His presence I began to think how wonderful the moment was going to be when I saw my boys and the excitment we all will have.

And I must say, that joy and excitment went way beyond what I expected. It overflowed out of me and my boys onto the 50 other people standing around us.

The minute they saw me they took off running and screaming, "MOMMY" I literally dropped my bags and hit my knees with my arms wide open, and as always they both fit just perfectly.

I think we knelt there in the airport for a good 3 minutes just loving on each other. I didn't know if there was another feeling greater than that.

Until the Lord redirected my thinking to Him and reminded me of two moments that were and will be greater. The first moment came when I ran into His arms the first time I accepted Him as my personal Lord and Savior.

The second moment, will be when I literally and physcially run into my Father's arms. Oh mercy, can I just tell you that thought hits to the deepest part of my soul and fills me with a joy and anticipation that overwhelms me, it is so good brethren, just so good.

I hope you have experienced the embrace of Jesus as you ran into His arms for the very first time as His child. I know if you have then you can agree there is no greater feeling than that one.

If you have not I hope you will do so today. He is waiting with His arms wide open waiting to embrace you. Just accept Him as your personal Lord and Savior and in that moment no running will be required He will come directly to you!

Jesus though the joy and feeling of embracing my boys is magnificent, it does not compare to the joy and feeling of Your embrace. I wait with great expectation for the day when I feel Your warmth and arms wrap around me as You welcome me home. Amen

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

We can wait no longer

"Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves." Romans 12:10

I just cannot think of a verse that needs to come alive within us more than this one. Now is the time we rise up and become the most active hands and feet of Jesus than ever before.

It is time we devote ourselves in love to those in need, whether in our hometown, or around the world. It is time to place others above ourselves.

There is a world full of people desperate for the touch of Jesus and He has called You and me to offer that touch.

There is ALWAYS the opportunity for us to serve and help, and it is through prayer.

So brethren pray! Not only pray but become devoted to praying, to serving, to helping, loving and being the most devoted utensil for the Lord to use.

Do it because of your love for the Lord but most of all because of His love for you!

Jesus use us! Make us become a stronger more devoted body of believers that are bonded by Your love. Amen

Monday, May 23, 2011

One thing will ALWAYS remain

With each turn of our heads there is devastation. Lives are being taken, homes have been destroyed, and brokenness has began to fill the hearts of many. And in all of this, there is one thing that remains.

The Lord's presence

"God is our refuge and strength, 
   always ready to help in times of trouble.

 So we will not fear, even if earthquakes come 
   and the mountains crumble into the sea. 

Let the oceans roar and foam. 
   Let the mountains tremble as the waters surge! 

A river brings joy to the city of our God, 
   the sacred home of the Most High.

God himself lives in that city; it cannot be destroyed. 
   God will protect it at the break of day. 

The nations are in an uproar, 
   and kingdoms crumble! 

God thunders, 
   and the earth melts! 

The LORD Almighty is here among us;
   the God of Israel is our fortress.

Come, see the glorious works of the LORD:
   See how he brings destruction upon the world
and causes wars to end throughout the earth. 
   He breaks the bow and snaps the spear in two; 
   he burns the shields with fire.

Be silent, and know that I am God!
    I will be honored by every nation.
    I will be honored throughout the world.

The LORD Almighty is here among us; 
    the God of Israel is or fortress.

Jesus may Your very presence fill the hearts of all those in Joplin, Japan, Alabama, and around the world. Give them the ability to stand in silence and know that You indeed are God. May Your presence become the very blankets they cover up with. Amen

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Happy 10,950 days of life


 God love you sweet man of mine. I hope today is the most amazing God-filled day of your life. I am thankful to celebrate this special day with you. Can you believe ...years ago your mama brought you into this world?

I cannot think of a better gift than to shower you with God's word, so sweet God fearing man of mine.

I pray God richly blesses every part of your life, from head to toe to soul. I pray from God's glorious unlimited resources that he will give you a mighty inner strength through His Holy Spirit. A strength that will give you the ability to lead young men and women to know Him better.

I pray this day will be full of God's presence, love, and faithfulness to you. May He continue to lavish you with His unfailing love from here to eternity.

You have been made with such beauty and complexity. You are of such value and joy to the Lord, to me, and to our boys.

What Jesus joy you bring to our home and to our lives. We love you!

Jesus I praise You for this man who loves and fears You. I ask You Lord to bless every part of his life. Lead him and guide him down the path You have set for Him. Thank You for all 10,950 days of his life. Give him many, many more days of walking with You and filling our home and lives with his love. Amen

Happy Birthday daddy!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Here's a thought

"For this light within you produces only what is good and right and true." Ephesians 5:9

As Christians, does the love we have for Christ shine or is it dimmed by the crowd?

I have been so intrigued by people and what makes each one of us stand out. It is very obvious that not one looks the same, which is a whole other amazement to me, but when it comes to the light within us, what makes it shine?

If we were in a crowd of 50 people and no one is saying a word, what is going to make you stand out-Spiritually?

If you think about it people pass by us every single day and unless we know them, we have no idea how many of our brothers and sisters we are passing by. To those who don't know, well are they able to see Christ in us, without words. Is the presence of Jesus so strong within us that it is felt by all who walk by us, stand next to us, or sit next to us?

Do people know Jesus is in you, without you telling them? 

Something to think about it!

Jesus I desire nothing more than to be able to stand in silence and Your light illuminate from within me. No words, nothing! Just Your amazing Spirit and love within me. Make it be so, Lord, make it be. Amen

Friday, May 20, 2011

Straight from the LORD Himself

If I had not been on the interstate driving 70 miles an hour I would have been able to capture a picture of the billboard that said May 21 is the end of the world.

I couldn't help but to laugh out loud at the silliness of man.

I have to say The Lord and I had a great time giggling about it. I wondered why May 21 was the day and why it couldn't have been two days ago or tomorrow.

Knowing the word brethren is of such importance! I am sure the people passing me thought I was weird because I truly was laughing and in full blown, moving my mouth, conversation with the Lord.

Oh, mercy God is just so good. Brethren the Lord speaks very clearly about His return and I can assure you, that if the Son himself, and the angels don't even know...well, NEITHER DO YOU. It is biblical! I can assure you one thing, when it is time, and He comes, it will be SPECTACULAR! Better yet instead of me saying anymore, let's just hear it straight from the LORD Himself.

"I really don't need to write to you about how and when all this will happen, dear brothers and sisters. For you know quite well that the day of the Lord will come unexpectedly, like a thief in the night. When people are saying, 'All is well; everything is peaceful and secure,' then disaster will fall upon them as suddenly as a woman's birth pains begin when her child is about to be born. And there will be no escape." 1 Thessalonians 5:1-3

"However, no one knows the day or the hour when these things will happen, not even the angels in heaven or the Son himself. ONLY THE FATHER KNOWS. When the Son of Man returns, it will be like it was in Noah's day. In those days before the Flood, the people were enjoying banquets and parties and weddings right up to the time Noah entered his boat. People didn't realize what was going to happen until the Flood came and swept them all away. That is the way if will be when the Son of Man comes." Matthew 24:36-39

So don't be scared and PLEASE don't believe what those people say or plaster on a huge billboard. Trust in the word of God, be prepared and spend every day getting ready. Be mindful of all you do and where you go. You would hate for Jesus to return while you were somewhere you shouldn't be. Well, again hear it for yourself from Jesus.

"But you aren't in the dark about these things, dear brothers and sisters, and you won't be surprised when the day of the Lord comes like a thief. For you are all children of the light and of the day; we don't belong to darkness and night. So be on your guard, not asleep like the others. Stay alert and be sober. Night is the time for sleep and the time when people get drunk. But let us who live in the light think clearly protected by the body armor of faith and love, and wearing as our helmet the confidence of our salvation. For God decided to save us through our Lord Jesus Christ, not to pour out his anger on us. he died for us so that we can live with him forever, whether we are dead or alive at the time of his return. So encourage each other and build each other up, just as you are already doing." 1 Thessalonians 5:4-11

Aren't you excited? I hope you are spending each second getting ready and being prepared, I sure don't want anyone who is willing to miss the ride home! 

I just have to say, wouldn't it be absolutely amazing to be spending intimate time with the Lord in His word and then the next thing you know you are face to face with Him. Oh my goodness gracious, Jesus let it be! 

One day brethren when we least expect it! Hasten the day Lord Jesus, hasten the day.

Jesus I just had the best time with You, laughing and talking. Thank You that my sweet boys love to join in visiting and laughing with You. I pray it will become a daily routine for them as well. Jesus we are excited about Your coming and spending eternity with You. Help us stay alert, working, and focused on You at all times. Jesus when You come I hope You find us sharing Your word, spending time with You and serving. What devastation there would be if we were in a place that brought You sadness and sorrow. We love You and we are just thrilled about Your coming. Amen

Oh, Lord one more thing, bless those sweet private readers who are unseen that come to Godly Gossip. You know them by name and I pray You bless them. Saturate them with Your word. Amen

Thursday, May 19, 2011

It’s worth it

“So, my dear brothers and sisters, be strong and steady, always enthusiastic about the Lord’s work, for you know that nothing you do for the Lord is ever useless.” 1 Corinthians 15:58

Have you ever felt as though the time you have spent investing in someone or something has been a waste?

I have felt that way on many occasions and when that thought creeps in, you know the "What was the point of this, they just don't get it or care, or this project has no real purpose." type of thought?

I have had several of those frustrating moments over the last couple of years. Just today the Lord reminded me that though it can be very frustrating, if I keep working for Him and not for me, there will be nothing wasted or time spent that will be useless, even if it seems like it.

God uses all things for His glory. I know that, it just feels differently at the time.

God sees the end result. He knows whether the seed planted will sprout and be nourished or whether it will be smothered and die. I love what Revelation 14:13 says, “Write this down: Blessed are those who die in the Lord from now on. Yes, says the Spirit, they are blessed indeed, for they will rest from all their toils and trials; for their good deeds follow them!”

Praise You Jesus! I don’t always see the work You are doing at the time but I know You are working. You know every choice we make and will make. You know whether we will choose to live in sin or repent. You know whether forgiveness will be given or withheld. You know when we praise You one moment and curse another the next. Jesus You see the difference between real and fake.

You know whether we make the world our idol or make You our idol. You know whether our devotion is sincere or for show. You know whether our efforts are for Your glory or our own.

You know our differences, our hearts, thoughts and intentions. You know the very ones You place in our path and the very things we seek. From each, You use it for Your glory and for our good.
I praise You for the lessons You have taught me over the last few years and for those You brought into my path. Though at the time it seemed vexing, I know that each one was to grow me and shape me into the woman You desire me to be. Thank You for showing me the importance of keeping You center in all areas of my life. Growing is not easy but it is worth every bit of the work. Keep me in a state of continual growth. I am sticking to the vine Jesus.

Keep me humble, gentle, sincere, consistent, and faithful. May I daily be groomed, shaped, and molded to Your image and not one I try to create for myself. Amen

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Pray, then pray some more, and more, and more, and more...

"Keep on praying. No matter what happens, always be thankful, for this is God's will for you who belong to Christ Jesus." 1 Thessalonians 5:17

When their are no words...pray

When the heart is weak...pray

When you feel alone...pray

When tension arises...pray

When anger creeps in...pray

When disappointment strikes...pray

When your scared...pray

When your sick...pray

When you need to vent...pray

When you need guidance...pray

When you have a question...pray

When tragedy strikes...pray

When your confused...pray

Pray when your happy, pray when your sad. Pray when your eyes open, pray as you walk, pray while you work, pray when you sit. Pray when you lay down, and pray yourself to sleep.

I hope it will become a natural part of you!

Jesus there is nothing like being in constant communication with You. Thank You for opening up the Most Holy Place for all to access. What a glorious place it is. Thank You that Your ears never get tired of hearing. May each prayer be of the sweetest aroma and consist more of praise and thankfulness for what You have done and for who You are. Amen

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Looking for work...Jesus work

"If you look for me in earnest, you will find me when you seek me. I will be found by you, says the Lord." Jeremiah 29:13-14

Jesus I am looking for You today. Show me where You are needed then place me there to be Your hands and feet. Please Lord don't let me miss working with and for You today. I have wasted to many days doing that.

Put me to work Jesus, use me until I am all used up and then use me some more. Amen

Monday, May 16, 2011

From the hearts of other sisters

“Your godly lives will speak to them better than any words. They will be won over by watching your pure, godly behavior.” 1 Peter 3:1-2

Brethren I am blessed to have so many of you walk this journey with me. I am so thankful to these Sisters in Christ who took the time to respond to the Devotion “Come on Sisters, help this sister out”
I was blown away by the responses I received and very encouraged by so many of you. Thank you for sharing your heart and for allowing me to share your heart on Godly Gossip. If one woman comes to know the Lord or finds the encouragement she needs to press more into Jesus…well that is what Godly Gossip is all about. Spreading Gods’ word!

My sweet sisters I love and adore you. Thank you!

Names have been left off for privacy!

"Looking through our husbands to Christ and serving Him" - that is such a wonderful reminder for me.  Honestly, through the years - that is what it has come down to.  If it had not been Christ as our foundation - the house would have washed away many years ago.  However, it was not about us - it was about Him.  No matter how bad things get - it is always about Him.  He is the reason to fight for our marriages - if not Him why else?  Yes, marriage is full of sacrifices and in our selfishness - we don't like to have to give up our rights and control but Christ requires that of us. John 13:4-17”He got up from the meal....poured water into a basin and began to wash the disciples feet.....When He had finished washing their feet he said "Do you understand what I have done?...Now that I, Your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash another's feet....now that you know these things, you will be blessed if you do them."   Well, there have been times along the way that I did not want to wash my husband's feet so to speak but Christ commands that I serve and honor Him by serving and honoring and respecting my husband.  It is a humbling experience to do that even when it is hard but the blessings of doing what Christ commands are so rewarding.  Do I still fail sometimes - you bet I do.  In all honesty, I want to throw the water at him instead of washing his feet but I am always reminded of Jesus great sacrifice for us and am brought back to my knees with a grateful heart.  Sometimes it has taken longer than other times but thankfully God has never given up on me and continues to draw me as His child to do what I know is right.  "Create in me a clean heart, Oh God, and renew a right spirit within me" has been my cry many times and He never fails to answer.  
Thanks for reminding us all to "look through our husbands to Christ and serve Him."  That makes our husbands look very sweet when they are not looking so sweet to us.  Yes, that still happens from time to time even after 35 years but Christ is worth it all.

I probably shouldn't respond while I'm put out with my husband :)  Because when I'm put out, even though I know what I'm supposed to do/feel, it is extremely difficult and I'm just doing it out of obligation rather than love and then I start feeling like I have no life of my own, that he's just trying to turn me into a carbon copy of him and then you know what happens after that!  Straight downhill!  It will all be ok though.

I was writing in response...
I have now been staying home for three years which has been a HUGE blessing that I never expected.  It has led to some financial issues, but out of it we received K after three years of failed fertility and it allowed me to get to know my oldest K in a different way.
Staying home truly opened the door for me to see and experience the biblical plan for my relationship with my kids and my husband.  The change in rolls was hard at first and I won't lie...S and I have had some major life issues the last two years but by the Grace of God we are still standing together and not falling apart.
I realized that I actually put my love and hope in Christ on S and after counseling realized how unfair that is.  Although it was a huge compliment to the extent of my love for S and what I saw in him it wasn't healthy.
Now I strive to serve the Lord by serving my family without confusing the two.
All of life is overwhelming and much can be lost in translation but it is my prayer daily to go to bed RIGHT with the Lord.  If the answer to that is yes...everything else will fall into place.

Our Husbands are a gift from God himself and should be treated with love and respect
 I'm not telling you nothing that we all don't already know, but sometime we forget, and need to be reminded that they have feeling just as we do. They sometimes just have a hard time showing us what’s inside. They feel that their problems are theirs to deal with and that yours are for them to fix.  God has called us to be their helpers NOT their boss and sometimes we girls seem to treat our sweet MEN as one of our children. Don’t get me wrong, they like to be taken care of, but there is a fine line that we as wives and moms cross at times, that we really don't mean to cross but do. We all love our husbands very much, and from time to time we as their helper and friend need to ask God to make us better wives than we can make ourselves. to ask for His guidance, His will for us as wives .God did make Eve from Adams rib and made Eve his help mate, And God still intends for our husbands to be the head of our family and God the head of our home, And last the advice that we all were given on our wedding day, never go to bed angry. And always remember that first kiss and you will fall in love all over again. Those kisses may not be as passionate like they once were, but the love is greater now, than it was then.  

Sunday, May 15, 2011

In a flash

“No wonder my heart is filled with joy, and my mouth shouts his praises! My body rests in safety.” Psalm 16:9

Just hours before I was basking in the beauty of the sunset as it hit the water and sparkled.  There is always something so amazing about being on the boat with G, fishing and watching the sun go down. It is as though it adds a whole new dimension to beauty.

The minute my eye caught a glimpse I put my pole down and turned to take it all in, the sun, Jesus, and G. It was the most beautiful sight and one my soul needed.

I took full advantage of the peace and quiet and beauty to pray and thank the Lord for being ever so present in the life of my family and for this time of “getting to know” one another again while the boys are away.

And this is where God Himself becomes even more amazing.  As I sat there spending time talking to the Lord, I remember so specifically praying and praising Him for the safe travel thus far, for me and the boys, G, His dad, and my family.  I asked for His protective hand to stay upon each of us as we traveled to our final destinations.

Now fast forward about three hours later…

I am in the ditch, my airbags are out, On Star is talking to me and I am in complete shock and panic. I have no idea what happened, if I am hurt, and what just hit me. G makes his way to my car, opens the door, reaches in grabs me to calm me down and says, “Baby you are okay, a deer hit you.” I never even saw it!

But, I saw the hand of God as He revealed His protective hand upon me. Though my car is in the junk yard in a town 4 hours away, I am alive, my boys were not with me, the deer is dead, my soreness is going away, and God’s hand was, is and will forever be upon me. For that I am eternally grateful.

Jesus it does not matter what happens, You are there. You never left my side and I know You never will. In moments like these it is the reality of Your presence, protection, beauty and Holiness that make You even more amazing. Thank You for the work of Your hands. Amen

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Delivery errors

Godly Gossip is experiencing some delivery errors.

Sorry for the repeated devotionals. We are working on getting this resolved.

Thank you!

Ladies thank you for responding again the Lord always has a purpose!

I love each of you

Dear Jesus,

"I want my life to be an example to many, because you have been my strength and protection." Psalm 71:7

Place my entire body in Your word. Keep me mindful of what I say and do. Remove me from the state of "Me".

Place me in and where You want me. May I be a living testimony. Let my life be a life that produces an example of Your love, joy, forgiveness, kindness and a walking reflection of You. 

Help me be slow to speak, slow to anger, and slow to be puffed up with self. Make me quick to love, quick to forgive, quick to help, quick to listen, and quick to comfort. Make me mindful of Your word Lord. 

Bring each thought into captivity. Examine it and purify it. Forgive me Lord for the thoughts that I have had, have, and will have that displease You. 

May I walk in the showers of Your grace today. Amen

Friday, May 13, 2011

His presence displayed

I knew He was waiting, so I got up and hurried down to meet with Him. As I found Him sitting at the table I rushed over to join Him. I sat down with a smile and excitement because I knew our time together was going to be great. It always is! 

I looked up to greet Him and this is what I saw. 

"The heavens tell of the glory of God. The skies display his marvelous craftsmanship. Day after day they continue to speak; night after night they make him known. They speak without a sound or a word; their voice is silent in the skies; yet their message has gone out to all the earth, and their words to all the world. The sun lives in the heavens where God place it. It bursts forth like a radiant bridegroom after his wedding. It rejoices like a great athlete eager to run the race. The sun rises at one end of the heavens and follows its course to the other end. Nothing can hide from its heat. The law of the LORD is perfect, reviving the soul. The decrees of the LORD are trustworthy, making wise the simple. The commandments of the LORD are right, bringing joy to the heart. The commands of the LORD are clear, giving insight to life. Reverence for the LORD is pure, lasting forever. The laws of the LORD are true: each one is fair. They are more desirable than gold, even the finest gold. They are sweeter than honey, even honey dripping from the comb. They are a warning to those who hear them; there is great reward for those who obey them." Psalm 19: 1-11

Jesus, Jesus, Jesus Your beauty brings joy to my heart. Your words nourish and quench my thirst. Your presence in me is more precious than the air that I breathe. The warmth of You the One true Son brings my soul to full bloom. Let it sprout Your beauty for all to see. Amen

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Jesus and the Donkey

Featured writer-Ryan Burchett

“ 1As they approached Jerusalem and came to Bethphage and Bethany at the Mount of Olives, Jesus sent two of his disciples, 2 saying to them, “Go to the village ahead of you, and just as you enter it, you will find a colt tied there, which no one has ever ridden. Untie it and bring it here. 3 If anyone asks you, ‘Why are you doing this?’ tell him, ‘The Lord needs it and will send it back here shortly.’”  4 They went and found a colt outside in the street, tied at a doorway. As they untied it, 5 some people standing there asked, “What are you doing, untying that colt?” 6 They answered as Jesus had told them to, and the people let them go.”
-Mark 11:1-6

​What do you know about donkeys?  Generally, we know that donkeys, especially when compared to their relatives, the horse, they are pretty ugly animals.  They aren’t the most graceful of animals and they certainly aren’t the smartest.  They are very humble animals in terms of appearance, stature, and ability.

​When we read this short account, just before Jesus’ triumphal entry into town, we see that the preparation for that entry was well thought out and it was crucial.  Jesus knew long beforehand what He needed and here He executes the plan.

​What I’d like for us to get from this account is a very different way of looking at it; however, it’s still an important example nonetheless – we are that donkey!

​How so?  Without this colt, prepared for the Lord by the Lord, Jesus could not have entered into town the way He intended.  This same concept applies to us as Christians today.  God uses the humble at heart to glorify His kingdom through the sharing of the gospel.  He won’t use the proud or self-exalting, the ‘stallions’ if you will; rather he uses the humble, the servant-hearted, the ‘donkeys.’

​This colt was prepared especially to bring Jesus to the people.  It could have very well bucked and kicked and acted stubborn when the disciples showed up, but it didn’t.  It fulfilled its purpose.

​We, my Christian friend, are the donkeys prepared for Christ by Christ to carry His message to the people.  Won’t you be willing to do so?

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

The Wonders

"So God has given us both his promise and oath. These two things are unchangeable because it is impossible for God to lie. Therefore, we who have fled to him for refuge can take new courage, for we can hold on to his promise with confidence.” Hebrews 6: 18

As I watch the people come and go I wonder if they know the promises of God?

Do they know the very One that breathed life into them?

Do they rest in His promise of everlasting life? Have they even accepted Him to have everlasting life?

What is their quite time with the Lord like? Do they have a quite time, and if so, what sweet words of love does He whisper to them?

Oh how I would love to hear what the Lord is teaching them. Would they pull a chair up and share? I really would love to hear!

Maybe even have the opportunity, Lord willing, to share the promises of God with them!

I wonder how many of them walking by are having a conversation with the Lord right now?

I do know that one day every thought, every conversation, and every heart will be on Him. Hasten that day Lord Jesus!

Jesus You have offered Your promise to all who accept Your Son, so today i lift up every person that passes by me. At some point throughout their day I ask that You get their attention and place their thoughts on You, so they might rest in Your promises. Amen

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

The difficulty

So God has given us both his promise and oath. These two things are unchangeable because it is impossible for God to lie. Therefore, we who have fled to him for refuge can take new courage, for we can hold on to his promise with confidence.” Hebrews 6: 18

Why is it so hard to wrap our minds around the promises of God?

Does suffering affect our belief in His promises? Do trials affect our belief in His promises? Does our sin and shame affect our belief in His promises?

How can we go from reading His promises, to knowing His promises, to living in His promises, no matter the suffering, trial, sin, or shame?

It is hard! 

Jesus keep me from doubting Your promises when the circumstances of life arise. Amen


Monday, May 9, 2011

Celebrating 50!!

We are approaching our 50th week of S.S.A.L.S (Study, store, apply, learn and share) can you believe it?

I know I have strayed here a little towards the end, but God has been in control and each stray was for His purpose, Praise You Lord.

I cannot tell you how wonderful it has been to have you walk this year with me. Thank you!!

I hope you have heard from the Lord over this last year, and have even grown closer to Him as you have studied, stored, applied, learned, and shared of His goodness.

Thank you for going the distance with me. I pray you will stick with me and finish the race.

I love you brethren!

Jesus bless my brothers and sisters who remain so faithful to You and Your word. Bless each one that has been on this journey with me, the ones seen and the ones unseen. May Your word continue to enrich their lives everyday. Amen

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Because of...

I am only able to be the mom I am because:
Of their love

 I am only able to be the mom I am because:

She set the perfect example of how to be a God-loving mama. 

Jesus thank You for choosing Donna to be my mommy. Thank You for living in her and for filling her with the sweetest love a child could desire. I have been blessed to see Your reflection every time I look at her. I pray I will produce the same reflection in the eyes of my boys. 

I know she is who she is because her mama was who she was. Bless my mom as she reflects upon the love of her mommy who is with You. May the mention of her name and every thought bring a smile to her face and joy to heart. 

Thank You Jesus for the honor You have given me to be a mommy to Avery and Dax. I pray I do more than just wear the title as mommy. Amen

Saturday, May 7, 2011


"Don't be troubled. You trust God, now trust in me. There are many rooms in my Father's home, and I am going to prepare a place for you. If this were not so, I would tell you plainly. When everything is ready, I will come and get you, so that you will always be with me where I am. And you know where I am going and how to get there." John 14:1-4

I laugh when I read this for many reasons. One is because we move ALOT! I believe since G and I have been married we have moved a total of 6 times and 4 of those have been to a new town! This sign was on the U-Haul we rented and I just found it so intriguing. When I saw it, it was at a time when the reality of moving really hit me. I was about to leave a group of women that I have absolutely fell in love with, a church home where God's presence was THICK, and a home that I brought my second baby boy home to.

Second, being the me that I am, it had a deeper meaning than what was intended, a Jesus deepness!

Where WILL you go next? Though we will go many places while we are alive, there are only two places we will go that will be permanent, Heaven or Hell.

For many of us we plan out our next move, our next vacation, where we will retire and even where we will be buried. We spend months preparing, ensuring to have all the details and specifics covered. The crazy thing about all of this is how much time we spend in preparation for these events than we do in preparation for our eternal destination.

The great thing about where we will go next spiritually is how easy Christ has made it for us. He is the best travel agent, Home builder, decorator, He is free of charge and all that is required is our hearts. We will not need any boxes, we will not have to take out any loans, rent any U-Haul’s, unpack, say goodbye, or stress out about what our home will be or look like. He has already prepared it for us, plus all our brothers and sisters will be there too!!!!

I am ECSTATIC about my final destination, mine will be in Heaven with the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords, it will be perfect and everything I have ever wanted. Actually it will be beyond what I could have ever wanted or imagined. Thank You Jesus!

Jesus it truly is a relief to know where I am going when my time here is through. I look forward to my forever home with You in heaven. I pray that if there is anyone reading this today who does not know where their forever home will be, that they will turn to You and that You will become Lord and Savior of their life, ensuring that heaven is their home for eternity. Amen

Friday, May 6, 2011

Overcoming the urge

"Not to us, LORD, not to us but to your name be the glory, because of your love and faithfulness." Psalm 115:1

Have you ever had your mind made up about something and were just about to do it when...

The Holy Spirit approaches you and asks, "Will this bring Jesus glory?"

The question leaves you saddened, frustrated, thankful, and humbled. 

You know the answer and you know the decision you need to make, however you are  still contemplating whether or not to just do it? 

Okay, well I have, and let me clarify something. It is in no way sinful! It is just something that really has no purpose for the Kingdom.

And for me, if it has NO purpose for the Kingdom or God's glory it is pointless to me. EXCEPT this one issue I battle every now and then. It is rather vexing! 

Not to me, not to me, but to You Lord be the glory. 

Jesus Your honor and glory is of greater importance than making a decision that would bring You none! You know this battle Jesus, help me to overcome the urge and press on towards the goal. Amen

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Are we Innocent?

Featured writer today-Ashleigh Duncan-

Psalm 26

This psalm really hit me...should we be considered innocent? Do we hang around liars and hypocrites? How many times have we watched someone do something as simple as throw a piece of trash on the ground or cheat on a test or important document and not tell anyone? We just let them do it. That makes us just as guilty. How many of us have just made estimates on things like tax reports or whatever else and we think there's nothing wrong with it? How many of us have participated in or listened to dirty jokes and maybe laughed along with them? And here's a biggie: How many of us have made excuses for not doing something or being late instead of just telling the truth? "I just plain forgot." "I was lazy this morning and hit my snooze 3 times instead of getting up." "I took my time driving here because I really didn't want to be here." "Honestly, you irritate me a little and I didn't want to work on my patience today so I avoided you." We feel so much better when we open up to our close friends and family, to that one person or group of friends that you know you can tell anything to and they won't look at you any differently, so why don't we just be honest? Why do we care what those people think of us? If God changed Pharaoh's heart in Moses' time, why can't He change people's hearts now? If you tell people something honestly and with love, God will take care of the rest. If they're not meant to be your friend then, sadly, we lose some friends along the way but it's much better to be surrounded by those who truly care and who love God like you do rather than be around people who are telling you things against your beliefs, don't you think? I hope you all have a wonderful day!! Love you!!

In Christ,
Bridget Ashleigh

Today I am thankful for the time I got before class today to just relax a bit. It's been nice :)

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Through a kiss, a mothers arms, a Doctors patience and his stillness

"I know the Lord is always with me. I will not be shaken, for he is right beside me." Psalm 16:8

Today is another one of those days when I woke up went through my morning routine except in a different town, different home and with a hospital bound destination.

Though my scenery is quite different, my mind set of routine mode is the same.

Drive to the hospital, wait, test, wait, fill out paperwork, wait, see the doctor, discuss everything ALL over again, wait, listen, check out, go home!

Then it happened...

We pull up and Jesus completely rearranges this routine mind set I am in.

I glance out the window to see two beautifully bald little girls wearing the cutest as can be masks to prevent breathing in any sickness floating around, and my heart fills with two emotions that overwhelms me to tears.

Gratefulness and brokenness!

Routine-numb routine might just be the very thing those parents are in as well, and all to mask their pain, fear, weariness, anger and frustration.

So from the parking lot to lab, to now the waiting room, we have yet to be put back into a normal everyday mindful routine (If that even makes sense)

To be honest I type, look up and cry! It is a vicious cycle. One that has grown more over this last year due to our own battle with Dax.

Though the severity of Dax's disease is not life threatening, it is still our battle. But one we are ever so grateful for, even as weird as that might sound.

I need to be shaken from routine. To much routine makes me become complacent and closed off from seeing Jesus around me, and boy is Jesus' presence around in this place.

There are 13 floors and we have covered four of them and amazingly Jesus has been on each floor.

Right now on the ninth floor I sit across from a young man, his mom and dad as they wait to see the Neurologist. He is unable to talk but can sign and make noises. As I sneak a peek due to the sound of mama coming from his mouth, I watch as she wheels him around and gently encourages him to tell her what he needs, when, sigh, he leans in and gives her a kiss on the lips and forehead!

Hmmmmmmm.... More tears..

Oh, merciful Jesus in the midst of sickness, stress, routine, and even frustration, You continue to be ever so present in our lives and all around us. Even in those who refuse and ignore You. You sit by our sides and give us grace, peace and an unfathomable amount of fight and strength to do so.

You do it all through love and it comes in ways that catch us off guard. Thank You for showing Yourself through the sweetest kiss, the comfort of a mothers arms, the patience of doctors and the stillness of Dax as he finally drifts off for a much needed nap.

Jesus I know You are always with us, for that we will not be shaken, because You are right beside us.

Jesus I pray that all these parents and even doctors will be aware of Your presence in the good, bad, scary, frustrating and stressful times. Amen

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

I feel…

"Even if we feel guilty, God is greater than our feelings, and knows everything." 1 John 3:20

What was your last reaction to a comment someone made to you, whether good or bad?

Did you pause and allow the Holy Spirit to step in and take charge OR were your feelings SO strong in that moment that you went with them?

Oh, mercy me have I been in both positions. Praise God for being greater than my feelings because He and I both know they can be OUT OF CONTROL.

It is so fitting that a year or two ago I spoke on feelings and not living our lives on them but on what we know-God’s word. Never free from the conflict, brethren, just hopefully becoming wiser in the process.

So let’s throw out a few feelings and see how they fair to the leading of the Holy Spirit. I made a checklist for myself and then asked the Lord to reveal to me the ones that He saw and that displeased Him. So NOT fun, but very, very NEEDED.   

The list below is feelings I deal and have dealt with through out my life. It is not the checklist I made-you can find that list in Galatians 5:19-21. I am putting myself out there brethren!

Let’s just say I have become a little too comfortable acting and reacting off of my feelings a little too much and the Lord has brought it to my attention-thank You Jesus.

I feel...                                                                                  


Not good enough




Selfish ambition



Out bursts of anger

Not good at anything

Of little importance

Not valued

Like a bad mother/wife

Like I am to sinful

To worldly


These are FEELINGS that I live in conflict with, sometimes daily and other times on occasion, but for the most part it is a BATTLE every SINGLE day.

So what happens when those feelings arise within me? Well lately I have given into them. Okay so maybe I have given into them a TON over the last 21 years of my life. However, I have also over the last 21 years of my life let the Holy Spirit control me.

The more I study the works of the Holy Spirit the more I am able to discern the difference between the two. I know when I begin to feel grumpy, or angry, or self-consumed I need to stop and let God’s word remind me that those feelings are not from Him.

I know when those moments happen I better make the CHOICE to listen and push through the urge to sit in those nasty feelings and let the Holy Spirit take charge. I need not to lash out, but be gentle. I need not to focus on the “ME” and focus on others. I need not to feel shame, incompetent, not good enough, angry, bitter, jealous, etc. Instead I need to claim forgiveness and believe I am capable, I am good enough, I am of value, I am blessed, I am who I am and loved for it, because of Christ Jesus.

I need you to know, it is SO very hard to do it, but we are very CAPABLE and we have the choice of which to choose.

We can love the friend who hurt us instead of sit and wailer in our hurt feelings

We can forgive the one who mistreated us instead of sit and roast in the feeling of anger.

We can put others before us instead of sit and let our feelings demand to be first.

We can claim God’s love for us instead of sit in the feeling of shame.

We can CHOOSE self-control instead of letting our feelings make us act OUT OF CONTROL.

Those choices are choices that represent the leading and control of the Holy Spirit. Christ gives us the choice to choose. We can either choose the path of feelings which lead to regret or we can choose the path of the Holy Spirit which leads to wisdom and peace.

Jesus I don’t always make the wisest choice when it comes to my feelings. But I am so thankful that You sent the Holy Spirit to control me, help me, and guide me in making the choice that pleases You and reflects You. Thank You for not leaving me to fight this battle alone. Amen