Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Upcoming Bible Study-Don't Miss It

I am so excited about our upcoming Bible Study. It will begin March 24 @ 6:30 at my house. All in the Midland area are welcome to come.

We will be studying the book of Proverbs. So far we have a great group of women signed up to come and as we look forward to this day we are in prayer for all that God is going to do.

You are being prayed for and we want you to know you are loved and adored. Come just as you are ready to dive deeper into God's amazing Word.

We believe God is going to do great and mighty things through this study and we don't want anyone to miss out.

If you have any questions please contact either Lauren Hobbs @ or myself @

You are prayed for and we look forward to seeing you.

For more details on how to get to my house, please email me.