“We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.” 2 Corinthians 10:5
“Even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. So it is no wonder that his servants also disguise themselves as servants of righteousness. In the end they will get the punishment their wicked deeds deserve.” 2 Corinthians 11:14-15
He spoke of this passage with authority, persistence, and warning and as I sat and absorbed all He was saying the Lord began to speak through Him straight to the thoughts of my heart.
Satan hates you, he hates God, and he hates all who belong to God. Satan wants there to be destruction, dissension, doubt, misery, pain, suffering, lies, hate, jealousy, bitterness, self-centered thoughts, greed. He wants there to be deception, negativity, condemnation, denial, and pride. He sets out to find your weakness and then like bacteria that has found a sore, he buries himself inside until he grows and infects the area. He wants you to feel hopeless and lonely. He wants you to feel betrayed mistreated, and angry at the Lord when things don’t go how you think they should. He is filling your thoughts with lies and not truth.
He has trickery, confusion, and deceit down pat. He can make things seem so enticing. He can sugar-coat and manipulate the word of God so much it sounds believable. Him and his servants disguise themselves as light and servants of righteousness!
It’s time we start taking a stand against our greatest enemy. It is time we see him for who he really is. It’s time we take serious his plots and plans. Satan is on the prowl today just as he was in Jesus’ time. He is already devouring people, homes, marriages, friendships, and churches. If we can begin to take our thoughts captive, evaluate them in the light of the Lord, we will begin to defeat Satan.
Let that consume your thoughts today.
When will take a stand? When will we open our eyes? When will we cast down any and every thought that Satan puts in our heads? When will we lock arms and march straight towards him with the unity and power of God and His word?
I will be darned if I am going to let Satan devour me, my thoughts, my friends, family, brothers and sisters, and any other person created in the image of God. How about you?
Prayer: Lord we are here for battle, clothe us in the armor of Your word, go before us preparing the way. Consume our thoughts with Your promises and may we remember that we can do all things through You that strengthens us. Amen