Sunday, February 13, 2011


“They do not compromise with evil, and they walk only in his paths.” Psalm 119:3

Today I am talking it one step at a time, making sure to walk in His path and not get distracted or overwhelmed by the series of trials coming my way.

My baby is due for surgery tomorrow morning and since midnight he has been running a high fever, has thrown up, can’t breathe, and has nasty gook coming out of his eyes, all while still running around non-stop as though this is a “normal” way of living for him.  

And that makes me SICK, but I also know it is NOTHING compared to what others who are terminally ill face day to day, so for that I am ever so grateful!

I do not know why the song Shout to the Lord keeps playing over and over in my head, but it does. There is something about every single word in that song that brings a sense of peace, comfort, and calmness to my soul. I just can’t explain, but I wish I could somehow allow you to feel it so you would know. Maybe these words will help.

My comfort, my shelter,
Tower of refuge and strength
Let every breath, all that I am
Never cease to worship You

I know right now that God is so good and no matter what, my love and trust in Him is not going to falter. You see I have such a greater love for Jesus than I do my own heartbeat, breath, or self. 

I have so much faith and trust in Him to take care of my baby no matter the outcome. Because His will, His works, His plan is far greater than what I could ever come up with. It is far greater than even the doctor’s plans. So I am going to sit here and trust that all of this stuff that is going on, the fever, the nasty eyes, the fever, the vomiting, the fever is…well, one because we live in a fallen sinful world, and two because all of this is going to lead to something God is working out. Because He is in control and He knows all things.


Because my son is so important to Him and if He doesn’t even let a sparrow fall without His permission, He is not going to let His own child live in a permanent state of sickness.

I also am praising God that this is temporary and I keep telling myself and Dax that. This is temporary!

This suffering is temporary

The fever is temporary

The frustration is temporary

The guessing game is temporary

The trials are temporary

It is all TEMPORARY and I am clinging to that promise, but more so I am going to live it out through my obedience and trust in the one True God.

Prayer: Lord Jesus You are my comfort and my shelter. You are my tower of refuge and strength. May my every breath and all that I am never cease to worship You. Amen