“The more I thought about it, the hotter I got, igniting a fire of words.” Psalm 39:3
It was Saturday afternoon and all three of my boys were taking a nap. I couldn’t sleep so I spent part of the afternoon studying and hanging out with the Lord. I began to finish up and decided I would go mow the yard for G because I knew he was tired from the week and the football game Friday night.
I had just finished the big part of the yard and was headed over to mow the little part, when I got this great idea to try and mow it in a circle, you know one of those spiral circles? So there I am mowing, going around and around when I began to realize I had been mowing the same patch of grass for the last ten minutes and was not getting any closer to being done. I thought to myself how in the world have I not made any progress? So the next go around I tried to pay more attention to what I was doing when I realized, I couldn’t see the lines from what was mowed and what was not.
At that moment a million thoughts went through my head. I bet the neighbors think I am crazy and are probably wondering why I have mowed the same patch of grass all while going in a circle.
Man I hope G does not come out here!
Wow, this is what Satan does to us when he fills us with his lies. He gets us going in circles, makes us believe we are making progress when in reality we are doing the same thing over and over.
It is not until the Lord gets our attention and shows us we have been “mowing” the same area. And just as I finally began to see my lines and make progress, the Lord also shows us our “lines” (sins) so we can make progress of confession and repentance. Thank You Lord for giving me this revelation.
The power of thinking, my brethren! My point to all of this is when the Lord has a point to be made; He is going to make it, no matter how long it takes us to get it, and no matter how many times we “mow” the same patch of grass, or in Jesus speaking terms, no matter how many times we keep committing the same sin. He will get our attention.
I have noticed that a lot with the Lord and myself lately. He will reveal to me certain things, I will listen and then move on only to find myself hearing Him say the same thing again, (mowing the same patch of grass) only in a different way (direction). For example in Aug one of our S.S.A.L.S (study, store, apply, learn and share) was over our enemies and one of the devotionals I did was, “Your step by step guide to a new…thought life.”
As I went back and read that last night I told Garrett, “wow the Lord must really be trying to get my attention in this area.”
I know today is the beginning of a new week for us, and we are going to begin it, but we are going to sit right here in the area of our thoughts for one more week. Just to make sure we get what God wants us to. Same patch of grass just mowing with a new blade (the new blade would be our new verse for the week)
Do you have a patch of grass you have been mowing over and over? Maybe God is trying to get your attention.
Prayer: Lord as students of Your word we come hungry to learn. Put within our hearts the lesson You want us to learn. Amen