"As your words are taught, they give light; even the simple can understand them.” Psalm 119:130
We speak to people and of people as though they owe us something. “I do this for you, you do this for me.” We even deep down expect things in return, even when we publically say, “No, no I did it because I wanted to, not because I wanted something in return.”
We use words in such a way that will validate our interior motives. If I speak this way, he or she will react in this way. If I say this I know it will get a rise. If I speak in this manner I know it will come across as loving, when really I am doing it because I want you to feel guilty. Maybe we even speak as though we are “Spiritually in-tune” when in reality the words of our hearts are so far from spiritual. Or maybe we use words to detour others from knowing who we truly are.
Even our prayers become full of words and requests as though God owes us something in return. We even mutter such things as, “God please do this or that.” And yet the whole time we are speaking He is looking directly at our heart and seeing and hearing something completely opposite.Why, because we are afraid to really pour out our hearts to the very one who created them?
When did God ever tell us not to pour out the very brokenness, hurt, fear, and anger of our hearts? Yet we truly believe it is wrong and selfish to do so. Are we not the children of God, is He not our one true Father? Does He not deserve honesty, sincerity and the joy of being our Father, healer, comforter, provider and Savior?
Brethren it is honesty He wants; sincerity that we truly believe in who He is. We should believe so much in whom He is that we don’t feel selfish or ashamed to cry from the pit of our sinful souls confessing to our Father, our Creator the true conditions of our hearts and our deepest needs.
And when did we ever begin to believe that God owed us something?
I mean we truly believe God owes us healing, or that God owes us a better life, or a less stressful life. We even believe that He owes us happiness, love, success and peace. Wow, how have we gotten here? God does not owe us any of that! Nor do we deserve any of that. Instead He gives us that because of His love for us, because of His Son.
God owes us nothing, we owe God EVERYTHING! He was the one who gave up His Son. He was the one who watched as they beat, rejected, mocked, and nailed His Son to the cross. He was the one who watched as His Son hung there and died a criminal’s death. And it was the words of Jesus, NO, it was the honest and sincere heart of Jesus that spoke the words, “Father forgive them, for they know not what they do.” It was then the blood of Jesus that covered us, restored us, healed us, and gave us life.
God owes us nothing, yet gave us EVERYTHING.
Are you willing to give Him everything?
Prayer: Lord move me past the third line, I want no longer to save this life, I want to lose this life for You, Your glory, Your honor. Lord it is Yours, Lord it is Yours, Lord it is Yours, take it. I now know God You owe me nothing, but I owe You everything, and I have kept almost everything from You. Forgive me Father. Amen