“For as the body is one and has many parts, and all the parts of that body, though many, are one body-so also is Christ. For we were all baptized by one Spirit into one body-whether Jews or Greeks, whether slaves or free-and we were all made to drink of one Spirit. So the body is not one part but many.” 1Corinthians 12:12-14
You are so important to the Lord-You are a part of His body, He has made a place just for You to help it function for Him. You are so important to Him that there is no one else that can do what you can. Not only are you of importance, but you are extremely special. You are so special that He specifically designed Your body part out of His image. You are so special He gives life to your body part with His blood.
Jesus is the blood and heart of the entire body and no matter where He has placed you, you are near to His heart and continually receiving the blood that is your source of life. Not only is He the heart and blood of the body but He is the glue that fastens us all together.
Come to Him, He is the Master of Surgeons, no matter how You come, in pieces, scarred, bruised, cracked, weak, or ashamed- He will fix you. He will gentle and lovingly put you back together and clean you up. He will then pick you up and attach you, sewing steadily every single piece, every special and intricate thing about you to the body. When He sees you are tightly attached, He will then start the flow of His blood. As it begins to enter into your part of the body the angels start singing in heaven as they watch you come to life.
He is there at all times guiding you and directing you. He has placed around you many other body parts to help encourage, strengthen, and bring glory to His name. They help you; surround you as you gain strength, faith, and understanding of your role as Christ’s body.
Because of You the body of Christ has now become stronger. And now with your help we need to go and find parts of the body that are missing. Time is running out so we can’t waste time. If we each do our part we can add many different parts to the body, by showing them there special place. Sharing with them the importance of who they are and the strength they will bring to the Body of Christ.
Take your part seriously, joyfully, and faithfully, because you represent Jesus individually and as a whole. There is no greater place to be then apart of the Body of Christ and one day the body will share in the glory of our Savior forever.
Prayer: Jesus show us the missing parts of the body so we can show them You. Help them see the place You have for them, and the importance they are to You. As apart of Your body may we each work and do all that brings the utmost glory to Your name. Amen