Friday, July 29, 2011

The Newest Fashion

“Let love be your highest goal.” 1 Corinthians 14:1

How have we lost all perspective on what is the most important goal in life? Is it because we truly do not know how loved we are by the Father? Or is it because we have allowed the world to show and define love instead of God and His word? Is it because we have chosen to make SELF be our highest goal?

How has the focus been taken off of God and placed upon ourselves and the world. Why do we want to have things done our way and not God’s way? Why have we become more concerned with our appearances instead of our hearts, why do we only listen to what we want to hear and not what God has to say? Why do we always have to have all the attention on us? Why do we talk more about ourselves than about God? Why don’t we want to always talk about God? Instead we want to talk to anyone and everyone who will listen to us, thus Facebook, Twitter, and My Space being so popular. Now don’t get me wrong I use to be a facebook user but once I started making it be more about me and not what God intended it to be for He shut it down. I do believe there is a way to share God’s word, but if it becomes more about you and takes the place of where God should be, than I think it does become a sin. That goes along with T.V. and any other thing that takes the place of God or that pleases the flesh and not the Lord.

What if each day we all set out to make love become our highest goal, what if we woke up each morning got into the Word of God and clothed ourselves in 1 Corinthians 13? What if we took off self and let the Holy Spirit put upon us the fruits of the Spirit? (Galatians 5:22) If we are claiming to be Christians than we should be imitating the very one who showed that love was His highest goal?

What would happen if throughout the entire day we never used the words I or me? What would happen if we set out to show our spouse, our co-workers, the lost, and even our enemies’ love, no matter how unnatural it is?  Could you imagine how contagious love would become? Do you know how much more laughter, healing, forgiveness, kindness, and encouragement there would be? Do you know if love was our highest goal and we actually acted love out in our everyday lives how much more Christ would be seen, heard, and even introduced to the lost all over the world? Even our churches would be packed with people wanting to hear more about this amazing love.

Don’t you think that if we all made love our highest goal there would be less self, less hate, less insecurity, less fear, less divorce, less anger, less bitterness, less gossip, less hateful words, less slander, and less control Satan would have on our lives? The crazy thing is we all pray for there to be less of these things, but we are not willing to our part to make them become less.

When we willfully choose to make love become our highest goal we are choosing to make Christ become the center, the most glorified, the most honored, the most adored, the most loved, and the most praised. We are choosing to die to ourselves and follow Him. And we are choosing to walk in the light and love of the SON. If we want to make love our highest goal then we need start pursuing and seeking more of God. Start making love an action and not a thought. Start making it a goal to share and show love to as many people as we can each and every day and make 1 John 4:16 become reality in our life.

“God is love, and all who live in love live in God, and God lives in them. And as we live in God, our love grows more perfect.”