His mother learned of the blessing he would receive before he was even born.
Rather than waiting on God's timing she chose to take things into her own hands, thus setting the example for him to follow, and he did just that.
He lived up to his name "He deceives".
As a young man his first deception came when he stole his brothers birthright. Then later on stealing his blessing and deceiving his very own father.
We too can be guilty of these very things.
We can deceive others by pretending to be followers of Christ, yet never live as one. Deception can come in the form of appearance, money, a "friend", authority figure, even self.
We can also ignore God's will and timing by acting to quickly. We are known for our impulsive behavior. There is a reason God does not tell us our futures, could you imagine?
Have you deceived others, your family, your children, your friends. Have you pretended to be someone your not?
Maybe like Jacob you have deceived others to gain more for yourself.
What about ignoring God's timing and stepping outside of His will?
Whether it be a job, a relationship, family, etc, trust God and His timing for your life.
Most importantly, as a parent, make sure you are not deceiving your children.
Either be all in for Christ or not. You will do more damage and confuse them more by living one part in the world and the other part as a Christian.
To read more about Jacob head on over to Genesis 25-50!