Friday, August 23, 2013

Completely Committed

"Commit your work to the Lord, and then your plans will succeed." Proverbs 16:3

When we commit to the Lord, do we...

Commit with exceptions?
Commit with selfish motives?
Commit yet find or make excuses?
Committ only when it's convenient or necessary at the moment?

What are our exceptions for not being fully committed?

What are our selfish motives; attention, pride, control?

How many excuses do we make in one day? 

Do our excuses outweigh our commitment?

Why do we wait until things happen to commit our lives to the Lord?

When we commit to fully serving the Lord, there should be NO exceptions, excuses, selfishness, or done only when it's convenient or necessary.

Let's be followers who are totally and completely committed to the Lord. Not because we have to, but because He is fully and completely committed to us!!