Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Anyone Up for Testing Their Knowledge?

I thought this would be fun to do, being that I just did it with my own family and I have to say, it was fun and we all learned alot and G and I also realized well, we didn't do so hot.

Anyone interested in testing their knowledge?

1. Who was Isaac's father?

2. Who got transformed into a pillar of salt as she looked back?

3.  Who was thrown into prison, had dreams, but eventually became prime minister of Egypt?

4.  Which woman protected the spies at the city of Jericho?

5. What was the name of the priest that Samuel served under?

6.  What was the name of the seven-year-old boy who was crowned King of Israel?

7.  What was the name of John the Baptist's father?

8.  In which town did Mary and Joseph live?

9.  Where was the wedding at which Jesus changed water into wine?

10. In which city was Straight Street?

I wish I was sitting with you over a cup of coffee asking you these questions. It would be so much fun. Enjoy brethren, I hope you know all of them, and if not I hope it challenges you to get in the Word today.