Monday, March 24, 2014


As we were studying our Bible verse this morning Dax says, "Mommy, I just don't have a good rememberie."

Avery on the other hand starts shouting, "Mama that was one of my verses from Church. I know that verse mama!"

Whether we have learned and know it by heart or we struggle with our "rememberie" God's Word is applicable for us all. 

He makes it possible for everyone to understand it. 

"My words are plain to anyone with understanding, clear to those who WANT to learn." Proverbs 8:9

On another quick note. Today is day 3 of rising early. Jesus had me wide awake at 4:45. I rose had an amazing quite time and then witnessed a horrible chain of events. Our chickens were murdered last night. Saddest thing for this family of four. We love fresh eggs and the boys loved those chickens. So I might not have gotten other things done on the list due to clean up, I was able to catch a few extra minutes with my hubby. 

Let your joy overflow today sweet one.