“But the Lord said to Joshua, I have given you Jericho, its king, and all its mighty warriors. Your entire army is to march around the city once a day for six days. Seven priests will walk ahead of the Ark, each carrying a ram’s horn. On the seventh day you are to march around the city seven times, with the priests blowing the horns. When you hear the priests give one long blast on the horns, have all the people give a mighty shout. Then the walls of the city will collapse, and the people can charge straight into the city.” Joshua 6:2-6
They could taste the promise land, but only one thing, one really big thing stood in the way, the city of Jericho. I have fallen in love with this story for so many reasons. One big reason is the lesson it teaches me –obedience, faithfulness, and complete trust. No matter how crazy God’s assignment sounded Joshua and the Israelites were going to do it. At this point they had grown into complete obedience and knew if God said do it, they needed to just do it, even if they didn't understand it. Why, because over the last 40 years from generation to generation they saw the effects of not listening and the rewards for listening and doing.
I too am learning in so many ways and in many areas of my life the importance of listening and doing what God says no matter how crazy people think I am, how far off they believe I am, or how far off I believe I am, or even God for that matter. I am learning the cost of following Christ is a place of un-comfortableness, lots of shaking my head, even sometimes closing my eyes and just walking in His steps. All while knowing full well He knows exactly what He is doing and it is for His glory and my benefit. So, if God says do it, I am learning to just do it even if I don’t understand it. I have experienced the consequences of my lack of obedience and I have had the privilege of relishing in the greatness of God through my obedience.
Reason number 2- Just as Joshua and the Israelites saw the power and greatness of God as those walls came crashing down, I too have seen His faithfulness and power in my own life as He has brought down the obstacles and walls that stood in the way of my progression towards the promise land.
So remember this as I do daily. No wall or obstacle is greater than God. There is not a broken heart, relationship, or home that He cannot heal and mend. There is no learning disability, failure, or struggle that He cannot overcome. God can overcome any obstacle that stands in our way. He did for Joshua and the Israelites and He will for us. But in order for us to see past those obstacles we have to be able to see the power of God and know in our hearts that absolutely nothing is impossible for Him. We must also be willing to do all that He requires of us through obedience to Him.
What are some obstacles in your way today?
What do you need to do in order to overcome those obstacles in your life?
Do you believe God can and will deliver you and bring you through to the other side?
If you ever wonder why you cannot seem to overcome some of your obstacles, stop and evaluate your life. Are you obeying God? Are you reading God’s word? Are you stepping aside and allowing Him to go before you?
Prayer: Lord this I know: You are on my side, O God I praise Your word, Yes! Lord I praise Your word. I trust in You the living God, so why should I be afraid, there is no obstacle or wall that You cannot demolish and there is nothing mere mortals can do to me. Praise You Jesus, Praise You. Amen