Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Sold to the Highest Bid

"The Lord helps them, rescuing them from the wicked. He saves them, and they find shelter in him." Psalm 37:40

She sits crouched down in a corner, knees pulled tight to her chest, shivering. Shivering with fear, brokenness, hunger, and cold.

She has been beat, sexually abused drugged, and abandoned by her own family.

She has been stripped, thrown down, yelled at, tied up and raped time and time again.

She has been placed before a group of men who have not an ounce of care, sense, or sound mind.

They each take turns placing their bids. Her "owner" stands with greed and pride that oozes out of his every pore.

Standing there surrounded by smoke, alcohol and men dressed in their finest she is examined from head to toe.

She is sold to the highest bid. Time and time again, she stands before these men. They pass her off as though she is a used piece of material.

When will someone come to her aid? Who will rescue her from this life of destruction, pain and fear?

How long will she, and thousands of other girls have to live in slavery to sex trafficking?

Brethren, it's real. These young women are real and in need of Jesus.

God might not have called us to go to these places, but He has called some and we need to pray God's strength to fill them up, His protection to surround them, and His light to be so bright through them it begins to penetrate through the darkness of sex trafficking.

Pray for deliverance and freedom for these women all over the world, along with all those living in slavery.