Thursday, September 29, 2011

Planning in the future of this day.

“We can make our plans, but the LORD determines our steps.” Proverbs 16:9

I am not sure I would consider myself or my family planners. Actually my husband and I are really last minute planners. We get a thought or an idea, and, if we are able, we go and do it. It just seems to work best for us, especially since G’s job is time consuming.

Honestly, I have never been one who has found future planning so necessary. However; I do have many thoughts of the future for my boys, but never make concrete plans of what we will do. I do have hopes of what I would like, but that is as far as it goes for me and I believe God has a very specific reason for that.
Only He is able to see my family’s future. Only He knows exactly how far in the future we will go. He does determine our steps and He tells us that in our passage above.

Maybe that is the reason my future is the two days or two weeks that are ahead. I think I would become so consumed with planning for the future that I would forget to live in the day I have been given.

I cannot see what my future in this ministry is, but I can see that today He is determining my steps and I need to just keep stepping today. I need to plan on sharing His name and His message in the future of today.

What if we planned the future of today out? Before we lay down tonight, what if we planned on being obedient and sharing the Word of God, His love, and His grace before we went to sleep? I mean isn’t five o’clock today considered the future? It is what lies ahead of us, isn’t it?

He determines our steps, and today, He could determine our step to be in Heaven with Him.

Jesus thank You for allowing my mind to only go so far into the future! Thank You that I am only able to see the future of today, this week, and next week. May my plans in this day align with the steps You have determined for me today. Amen