Sunday, October 26, 2014

Exodus 12- Outline Part One

Exodus 12-Study Notes

Study: Exodus 12-Part One

Store-“Always be joyful. Keep on praying. No matter what happens, always be thankful, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.” 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

Apply-Joy. Prayer. Thankfulness

Learn-The Unforgettable Passover

            ***Remember to mark in your Bibles or somewhere every time Moses asks Pharaoh to let the people go. We will discuss the meaning of this later on. ***

v Exodus 12:1-5
o   What did God command Moses & Aaron to do in verses 3-5? List each command/instruction below.
§  Verse 3-
§  Verse 4-
§  Verse 5-

o   In verse 2 what did God establish?

o   Why did God establish the Passover as a holiday?

§  Why do we celebrate holidays

o   In verse 5 why did God choose a lamb?
§  What is the parallel between the lamb and Jesus?

§  What is the significance of the lamb?

·      Hebrews 10
·      Revelation 5:5-6

v Exodus 12:6-27
o   God gives specific instructions and details of what is required. Let’s look @ these individually so we can grasp and understand who God is and the importance of obeying His command. Next to each verse list out God’s command and how the Israelites were to apply it and the benefit. You will notice the benefit will be the same every time. Let’s do the first one together.

o   Verse 6-

§  Command-Take special care of the lamb until the 14th day and then slaughter it.

§  Application-Obey God’s instructions and take care of the lamb exactly as He commands, with special care.

§  Benefit-Delivered and spared

o   Verse 7-

§  Command-

§  Application-

§  Benefit-

o   Verse 8

§  Command-

§  Application-

§  Benefit-

o   Why were they unable to put yeast in their bread?

o   What did the bitter herbs signify?

o   Verse 9

§  Command-

§  Application-

§  Benefit-

o   Verse 10

§  Command-

§  Application-

§  Benefit-

·      Why did God require the leftover to be burned before morning?

o   Verse 11

§  Command-

§  Application-

§  Benefit-

·      How does this verse reveal the Israelites faith?

o   Verse 12

§  Command-

§  Application-

§  Benefit-

o   Verse 13

§  Command-

§  Application-

§  Benefit-

o   Verse 14

§  Command-

§  Application-

§  Benefit-

o   Verse 15

§  Command-

§  Application-

§  Benefit-

o   Verse 16

§  Command-

§  Application-

§  Benefit-

o   Verse 17

§  Command-

§  Application-

§  Benefit-

o   Verse 18

§  Command-

§  Application-

§  Benefit-

o   Verse 19

§  Command-

§  Application-

§  Benefit

o   Verse 20

§  Command-

§  Application-

§  Benefit-

o   Verse 21

§  Command-

§  Application-

§  Benefit-

o   Verse 22

§  Command-

§  Application-

§  Benefit-

o   Verse 23

§  Command-

§  Application-

§  Benefit-

o   Verse 24

§  Command-

§  Application-

§  Benefit-

o   Verse 25

§  Command-

§  Application-

§  Benefit-

o   Verse 26

§  Command-

§  Application-

§  Benefit-

o   Verse 27

§  Command-

§  Application-

§  Benefit-

v Exodus 12:28-30

o   How do verses 28-30 define redemption?

§  What does redemption mean?

·      Titus 2:14
·      Hebrews 9:13-15; 23-26
·      What did Christ do for us?

o   How has God redeem you today?

-God did exactly what He said He would do. This is a perfect illustration of what Christ did for us. His blood spared us. He took our place. He paid the price for our sins.

Jesus redeemed us, delivered us and spared us!!

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