Sunday, July 25, 2010

Just a few questions...

"It's people don't realize I am watching them. Their sinful deeds are all around them; I see them all." Hosea 7:2

How can we encourage one another to remove the sinfulness from our lives?

Why is it that we become defensive when we are held accountable for our sins?

How has the Lord been disciplining you lately?

Are there hidden areas of sin in your life that you have been overlooking, but that have become foul smelling to the Lord?

Is it really love if we allow our brothers and sisters to continue living in sin?

How is your obedience today and I mean obedience in your quiet time, your prayer time, your actions, thoughts, and service?

Just a few questions that I pray will light a fire within.

I do love all my sweet blog readers and followers, you will never know how much joy I have being able to share God's amazing word with you!  I hope you will spread the gossip!