"By his death, Jesus opened a new and life-giving way through the curtain into the Most Holy Place." Hebrews 10:20
There is the unexplained desire to cry out for those who are hurting today. To run as quick as I can to the Throne Room and beg Jesus to heal them, help them, deliver them, save them.
There are lists of those precious people who today need more than just me running to the Throne Room for them; they need all of us, every single brother and sister in Christ.
The Parker's- As they now wait for Jesus to take Bubba home. I know that this time for them has to be so hard, (Even though Bubba has SO much peace) so I plead for Jesus to wrap them up in His arms and literally carry them through this, every step of the way.
Mark and Dana Miller-The Cancer has now spread to her lungs. This news today devastated me, because my heartaches for her, for them. And I want nothing more than to beg for Jesus' healing to fall all over her. Yet I know Jesus' plan for her life is far better, so I sit weeping at His feet for her, but trusting and praising Him for loving her and being with her.
The couple whose marriage is crumbling-
Dr. Brogan and family- Their son was recently in a motorcycle wreck and is now in a coma. And all while this was going on, he was saving my dad's life. We are indebted to this man, who though hurting greatly, still found strength to come and heal my daddy's heart. I cry out with tears of joy yet sorrow, pleading for Jesus to bless his family and heal their son, because he has blessed and healed so many of our families.
The Hall Family- This is a sweet family, whose little girl was diagnosed with HLH at 6 weeks old and has been enduring Chemo ever since then. I cry out for healing for Kinley. The tears fall as I sit at His feet asking for their little girl to be healed. Yet, I rejoice because He graciously reveals to me His hand that has been upon her, healing her and meeting her needs every day.
Ty Cooley- This sweet little boy just lost four of his family members in the tornado in Oklahoma, and has been recovering in ICU. I believe he is now out of ICU here in Lubbock and is continuing to heal closer to home. Oh, merciful Lord be with him as he begins to hear the news of all that has happened. Be with his mommy as she has had to bury all four, all while staying by Ty's side. Jesus may she find strength in You. I have no words of the devastation that floods my heart for this family. I know death is inevitable, but I can't imagine the reality of losing four. All I can do is grab hold of Jesus' feet and weep.
The Lost- This is the greatest devastation and brokenness that fills my heart. I can't breathe at the thought of one person going to hell, especially if it is because we wasted opportunity in sharing Jesus with them. I understand those who right out refuse Jesus, and though they do, it stills saddens me greatly that they would reject "life." I honestly can't fathom ever leaving the Throne Room for the lost.
Honestly I am not sure we should EVER leave the Throne Room. There is just too great of needs, and Christ is the ONLY one who can heal, help, protect, comfort, restore, forgive, and save.
Brethren, would you enter the Throne Room with me?