Sunday, July 4, 2010

Satan we are on to you.

“God says we must not eat from it or even touch it or we will die.” Genesis 3:3

How often have we, like Eve, been standing before our forbidden trees and listened to the voice of Satan convince us that it is okay to reach out and touch it, take it, listen to it, or eat it?

Let me give you some examples that have taken place in my own life. Maybe you can relate, but if not, I hope these examples will help keep you from falling into one of Satan’s traps and believing the lies like I have.

Join in on the conversation Kristi, it won’t hurt anything to throw in a few comments about others.

You know Kristi she is right you are a hypocrite; I mean who are you to hold a sister accountable?

You really think God wants to use you, look at your past.

You will never be good enough or smart enough.

You are better off following in the shadow than standing out on your own.

Don’t you want to know everything God knows about your husband and others?

It’s okay to laugh or smile at others sin; I mean you’re not participating are you?

Whether he has convinced me to compare myself to others, join in on the gossip, fill my thoughts with more doubt than a human could hold, ignite my anger, plant the root of bitterness, or even convince me that I will never be good enough, or able to be used by the Lord, I have at some point listened, grabbed the fruit and ate it.

But the closer I walk with the Lord, the more I seek His word, the more I run to Him when the thoughts arise within me, the more my gracious, loving Father comes to my rescue. The more He opens my eyes to His unending love, mercy and grace, and the more He sets me free from the traps and chains of Satan.

I am free, free in Christ Jesus, I have the living Son of God dwelling within me, who is fighting the battle between good and evil. He fills my thoughts with truth, He reminds me that I am His and He is mine. He shows me His love and tells me of the wonderful gifts that await me. He reassures me daily that I am worthy, wonderful, beautiful, and capable of all things through Him.

“Whatever is good and perfect comes to us from God above, who created all heaven’s lights. Unlike them, he never changes or casts shifting shadows. In his goodness he chose to make us his own children by giving us his true word. And we, out of all creation, became his choice possession.” James 1:17-18

The next time you are tempted to grab the fruit from the forbidden tree, run to God, lay the nagging lies of Satan at His feet and remember that if it is not true, honorable, or right, pure, lovely or admirable, excellent and/or worthy of praise than it is not from God.

Prayer: Lord thank You for filling with the Holy Spirit who never rests, never lies, and never tries to convince me of anything but living in the truth and the promises of God. Amen