“Our purpose is to please God, not people. He examines the motives of our hearts.” 1 Thessalonians 2:4
Here is a test for you to take that will help determine who you seek to please more. When taking this test you have to be 100% honest when answering each question. These questions should be answered NOT with how you want to be but how you are right now! And remember God knows the real answer!
1. Do you always worry about what others think of you?
2. Are you more concerned about your outward beauty or your inward beauty?
-What do you spend more time working on, your outfits and appearance or your relationship with Christ?
3. Do you tell people what they want to hear or the truth?
4. Do you think about how your actions affect Christ?
5. Are your thoughts focused more on other people or Christ?
6. Do you go to church for the politics (to be seen) or because you desire to be in God’s house?
7. Do you do things for the attention and praise of others or for Christ?
8. Do you brag about your success and pay checks or about God’s mercy and grace?
9. Do your conversations consist more on worldly issues or on God’s word?
10. Do you desire to obtain more or to give more?
11. Do you spend more time with friends than you do with God?
12. Do you spend more time trying to please people or God?
13. Do you want to win the approval of people or God?
14. Do you enjoy the company of people more than God’s company?
15. Do you seek the opinion of others first or God first?
16. Do you know more about people’s lives than you do God’s word?
17. What are you more concerned about; what others say or what God says?
18. Are your motives people driven or God driven?
19. Do you spend more time trying to make people happy or God happy?
20. Do you take people’s words to heart or God’s word?
Well what’s the verdict? People or God
Join me tomorrow as we look at some outcomes of pleasing people vs. pleasing God.
Prayer: Lord you tell us in our verse that you examine the motives of our hearts and if our motives are to please people more than You, convict us in that area, but most of all Lord forgive us for fixing our eyes on those who will soon wither and die. Lord lift our eyes to You for You are the everlasting God. Amen