Saturday, July 19, 2014


She has only been gone a year. It's been a hard year. A year of many changes and life adjustments. 

They have each dealt with her loss differently. 

For him, it's been hard, really hard. He not only continues the role as daddy, but he steps into the role as mommy. 

A role he thought no one could fulfill. 

And then he met her and something began to change. The part of him that felt dead, began to come alive again. 

Yet from the outside looking in, as a mommy, all I could see was how replaceable we really are.

This is very hard to swallow. No she will never be forgotten, she will always be the mother of his children, but with her passing she suddenly became replaceable. 

How do you deal with knowing everyone is replaceable? 

You turn to Jesus. You will never be replaceable to Him. You are of such great value He gave His life in order to ensure you would be with Him forever. 

There is no replacing His love. It can't be moved or taken. Once you become His it's permanent. 

Yes, the reality of human life is hard, because we so often replace one another, whether by divorce, death, disagreements, dislikes, selfishness, anger, etc.

But not Jesus, He will never replace you, leave you, forsake you, or give up on you. 

It's the only relationship you can be sure is forever. It's the only relationship that will last an eternity. 

So, though we are replaced here on earth, in heaven and to Jesus we are irreplaceable.