Thursday, January 27, 2011

The Oxygen in my blood

"Happy are people of integrity, who follow the law of the Lord." Psalm 119:1

How do you live out this verse? How do you actually apply it to your life and make it become an action?

How do you apply any of God’s word to your life? By obeying it, right, well that is easier said than done, and for the life of me I don’t get it, especially when you love Jesus so much. Just maybe it is because we are in a constant spiritual warfare, or maybe because we try to be in control and do it ourselves, of which I am also realizing is another big struggle of mine.

I know right now, at this very moment that if I want to apply Psalm 119:1 to my life then I need every word to penetrate to the core of my bones and all throughout my mind. In order to get God’s word to those places I have to say it over and over and over and over. One time will not suffice.

God’s word needs to become the oxygen in my blood.

I want to be full of Him and His word so much, yet I, at times pick and choose the things I want from His word to be full of.  Does that even make sense?

Do you know what else needs to be done? I need to get out of the way and let the Holy Spirit take control-which is SO HARD at times!

Prayer: Jesus teach me to put mySELF aside so the great Counselor can take control. Keep Your word constantly on the forefront of my mind. Thank You that Your word never comes back void. Amen