Thursday, June 24, 2010

Candle or Forest fire?

“Remember, the fire must be kept burning on the altar at all times. It must never go out.” Leviticus 6:13

There are two levels to this fire, low and high,

When we keep our fire on low we are only keeping our faith and relationship with Christ warm. We do only what is required, nothing more nothing less, we basically never add fuel to the fire we just leave it where it is. The problem with just keeping our fire on low is that we miss out on all the wonderful blessings God wants to give us; we miss opportunities to really be a light for Christ and we miss out on building a deeper, stronger, more intimate relationship with Christ. We are just a dull fire with no motivation to make a difference for His name or kingdom.

When we set our fire to high, we are fueling it with the word of God, prayer, obedience and love daily, it is constantly being tended to. The more we fuel our fire the bigger and bigger it becomes leading to a spiritual forest fire. This forest fire becomes so wide spread that it impacts anyone near it and becomes so bright people can see it for miles and miles. When we work together with the Holy Spirit it is a guarantee that not only will the fire within change and transform us, but it will change and transform the lives of others, which all in all will bring glory to the Lord and save the lives of those who are lost.

Is your fire as big as a candle or a forest fire?

Prayer: Lord may I never let my fire become dull. I want to have the Holy fire within me that burns so bright and so big that it cannot be contained. Amen