The day of her delivery was she in pain? What were those moments like for Joseph as he anticipated the birth of Jesus
Did he ever have doubts or fears that he wouldn't be good enough?
Sometimes it's hard for me to really comprehend that it was real. It's so amazing, so astounding, yet to real to grasp.
Do you ever feel that way?
Jesus was born in a stable, placed in a manger, and His mother was a virgin who found favor with God.
Amazing isn't it?
I wish I could have been there. I wish I could have seen His birth.
I wonder if Mary held Him for long periods of time. Did she sleep near Him? How many kisses did she give Him every second.
Did her heart stay full?
I wonder what the moments were like 33 years later when she watched her Son tortured and beat then hung on a Cross so that we could all have life.
I don't know what any of it was like for her, but I know I am thankful. I am thankful that Jesus did what He did for me.
I know what my heart feels. I know how overwhelmed I become when I think of His love for me and what He was willing to do so I could spend forever with Him.
Jesus thank You for showing me a little more everyday just how much You love me. I may never fully understand it, but I believe it! Amen