"The godly speak words that are helpful, but the wicked speak only what is corrupt." Proverbs 10:32
Do the words I speak represent You Jesus?
Do the words I speak encourage others?
Are the words I speak helpful?
Take control of what I say O' Lord keep my lips sealed.
Does corruption flow from my tongue?
Do my words bring sorrow and pain?
Place Your hand over my mouth O' Lord keeping me from uttering anything unwholesome.
Do my words build others up?
Or do they tear others down?
Do my words reflect a heart that is full of You O Lord?
Or do they reflect a heart full of self and the world?
Do my words show my trust in You?
Or do they show I am doubtful?
Do my words reflect a heart that is content?
Or a heart that is unsatisfied?
Disable my ability to speak any lies
Put reins on my tongue that only You can guide!