"The hopes of the godly results in happiness, but the expectations of the wicked are all in vain." Proverbs 10:28
It's this thing called "expectation" that can set your heart up for failure. It can even rob you of your joy.
We "expect" things in our jobs, marriages, friendships, relationships, homes, even with our children. What about our "expectation" when it comes to Jesus.
Do we "expect" something from the Lord? Do we "expect" Him to give us things, to get us "out" of things, to heal us?
What is it that we "expect"?
Do we even know what "expect" means? Better yet, do we even know what we expect?
It means to regard (something) as likely to happen or to regard (someone) as likely to do or be something.
The Bible's definition-to consider probable or certain; hope; assurance
Is it right or wrong to expect? It depends.
James describes it best. “If you need wisdom-if you want to know what God wants you to do-ask him, and he will gladly tell you. He will not resent your asking. But when you ask him, be sure that you really expect him to answer, for a doubtful mind is as unsettled as a wave of the sea that is driven and tossed by the wind. People like that should not expect to receive anything from the Lord. They can’t make up their minds. They waver back and forth in everything they do.” James 1:5-8
When we expect selfish things-Wrong
When we expect the Lord’s will-Right
When we expect with a doubtful heart-Wrong
When we expect with a trusting heart-Right
How often are our expectation of people, things, and the Lord selfish?
Do our expectations align with Christ’s expectations?
Jesus examine my expectations, test them under Your search light. Reveal to me any selfishness that is within them. Align my expectations with Yours. In Jesus name amen