“What this means is that those who become Christians become new persons. They are not the same anymore, for the old life is gone. A new life has begun!” 2 Corinthians 5:17
One year ago, Dax had been put through tons of tests, placed on many different antibiotics, creams, etc. All hoping to cure whatever it was making him sick. One year ago we found out Dax had a cyst on his brain, could possibly have celiac disease, allergies, and had a rare mutation, which is still so rare no one knows anything about it.
All of these things would require a lifestyle change on our part. Before Dax was sent to have a scope done, we endured two solid days of allergy testing, which all came back negative, to all of our surprise. In the meantime we were told to remove any and everything that contained gluten. This was HARD! We attempted to make this change, with little success, all to find out later his test came back negative-no celiac. That was a HUGE praise to God.
Now today, one year later, we find, that, after more blood work, more antibiotics, creams, and long nights of crying, itching, painful skin, and snotty noses. Dax has tested positive to Wheat, Milk, and Egg.
This has required a major lifestyle change. Do you know how much food contains those three ingredients? A TON!
But there is something different this time around. This lifestyle change seems more manageable than it did a year ago. Yes a lot of changes are being made in our home and at school. But these changes will be for his good and that makes it all worth it.
We feel more prepared this time around, more relieved to have an answer, and more equipped to do, what we need to, to help him.
As the Lord and I began cleaning out our pantry (and I cleaned out the pantry) the Lord revealed to me how similar all of this was to our spiritual lives.
When we become believers and followers of Jesus Christ, we can no longer continue living in the sin we were before, nor do we desire to. Just as I had to physically remove all the things that contained wheat, milk, and egg from our home, we have to remove the sins from our hearts. We have to confess and then go in a whole new direction-repent. But we must be ready for this change. And when we are ready and sincere in accepting Christ has our personal Lord and Savior, we are more prepared for all the changes that will take place. We are relieved to finally have the answer to overcoming sin, and we are more equipped to overcome temptation because of the power of the Holy Spirit placed within us. These are great changes! These changes bring healing and hope in a way only Christ within us can.
When we are crazy about serving and obeying Christ, we want Jesus to clean out our pantries (hearts). And when He does, our habits will begin to change, our friends will change, our attitudes will change, our thoughts will change and our behavior will change. And all of this will be for His glory and our good.
So today, our biggest prayer is for a lifestyle change to begin within all those lost and all those living in sin. Our second biggest prayer is that we will be able to maintain Dax’s weight, and that every one of those 4 pounds this sweet thing has finally gained over a two year period will be added to and not lost.
Jesus thank You for changing my life and the lifestyle I use to live. Thank You for the joy You have filled me with and the hope that is found in You. Jesus thank You for the answers we are finally beginning to receive on how to tend and care for Dax. Give us the discernment and guidance we need to make all the adjustments and changes necessary for him. Most of all please help Dax adapt and adjust well to this new way of eating. We praise You Jesus that we are able to manage this with a new way of eating, we are so, so thankful. We praise You and love You. In Your name Jesus. Amen