“Take note: I will come as unexpectedly as a thief! Blessed are all who are watching for me, who keep their robes ready so they will not need to walk naked and ashamed.” Revelation 16:15
If Jesus came over for dinner would you serve His food on a paper plate or your finest china? I am so guilty of serving my family and our friend’s food on a paper plate. It’s easy, less clean up, and because I am just plain lazy and do not want to do dishes. I mean it takes so long putting a plate in the dishwasher and turning it on. Oh, good grief as I type that it sounds so pathetic I am embarrassed. When in reality Jesus, my family, and friends deserve to be served with all the best that I have. No matter how long the clean up takes. Jesus sure doesn’t complain of the cleanup He has to do inside of my heart every day.
You see I believe when we get to heaven and sit down to enjoy the feast that was prepared, the table will not have plastic or paper of any sort. It will be the finest china the prettiest silverware we have ever seen and the food will be impeccable. We do not have to have tons of money to serve Jesus or our friends and family, it is how we serve and what we serve that matters to the Lord.
Each day we should prepare our homes for the arrival of our King, we always need to be ready because we have no idea when He will show up. It is like cleaning for me, I don’t always do my deepest cleaning until I know we are having company. Then I wait until the last minute and start frantically cleaning. I should expect company every day, because soon there will be one who I want to be prepared for when the time comes for His arrival.
Jesus may I always be prepared, ready, and waiting for Your arrival! Amen