“Then I will not be disgraced when I compare my life with your commands.” Psalm 119:6
Do any of these comments sound familiar to you?
I just feel like I am not good enough OR He or she makes me feel like I am not good enough…Christian, friend, wife, mother, father, daughter, son, employee, etc.
He or she acts like they are perfect.
Do any of these feelings sound familiar to you, or maybe I should say “feel” familiar?
Jealousy, Pride, Insecurity, Bitterness, In-competent, Envious, etc.
Do you know where these comments and feelings come from? Satan.
He feeds on making us focus on self, which in return compares self to self-humans to humans. He even takes it up a notch by causing dissension among friends and family, fueling anger and bitterness within us. He even makes it so easy that we believe the other person is the one with the problem, when really we are, but are to prideful to admit it.
He is GREAT at it! Have you ever fallen into his trap? I have.
I have also learned the secret to getting out of the trap. By taking my eyes off of myself and others and putting them on Christ. Plus claiming this verse over myself “Be sure to do what you should, for then you will enjoy the personal satisfaction of having done your work well, and you won’t need to compare yourself to anyone else. For we are each responsible for our own conduct.” Galatians 6:4-5
If I am doing God’s work and obeying His word to the best of my ability I will not be disgraced. Instead I will receive the personal satisfaction that comes from Him, His acceptance, His love, and His mercy.
This verse, if lived out, will remove the pride, jealousy, insecurity, bitterness, the in-competent feeling, the envy, etc. within us because we will remember we are responsible for our own actions. We will even stop blaming others and start being more loving and forgiving.
People will always fail us, but God never will. So we need to cling to Him, compare our lives to Him, focus on Him, work hard for Him, and we need to STOP comparing self to self, human to human.
Prayer: Jesus Your word never tasted so sweet. Thank You for always satisfying my sweet tooth. Keep my eyes focused on You, instill in me the natural instinct to always compare myself to You. Thank You for Your love and for accepting me just as I am. Amen